The PACTS, International Newsletter
Friday, May 7, 2021
************************************************************* PO Box 1925 | Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 | | 1-888-639-5559
We had a great brainstorming session at Monday night's conference call. There were many thoughts and ideas about how we can make the most use of the opportunity before us as far as conveying information to congressional officials who are investigating microwave weapons attacks on US citizens. Here is a list of most of the ideas that were discussed:
- Create or find a tipline where we may post information
- Visit congressional representives' offices in person
- Reach out to news media
- Write, email or call congressional representatives
- Hot-air balloon-sized inflatable mascots with our message
- Petitions and letters to large human rights groups
- Lauren's 'Cry out weekend'
- John's research program about how to catch perps (description is posted in the Community Bulletin Board section of this newsletter)
- Updated survey
For those of you who may have missed it, here is the link to the text of Karen Stewart's sample Letter to a Congressional Representative:
Karen Stewart's Letter to a Congressional Representative
PORTLAND, OREGON TI SUPPORT GROUP Saturday, May 8, 2021 Let’s gather in front of the library: Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM Hollywood Branch Library of Multnomah County 4040 NE Tillamook Portland, Oregon See you then. Be well, brave, and strong For questions, please call Amy at: 971-207-3401
Some of you who have regularly attended our conference calls may remember a caller who went by the name of Sadan. His real name was Jerome Howell. This week through the efforts of HC and others we searched to try to find out his condition after discovering he was hospitalized. Then after not being able to find him in local hospitals, we were finally able to determine through obituary searches that he has now passed away. He lived in North Carolina.
HC has provided a link for those who may want to pay tribute to him.
UPDATES FROM CARL'S RV PARK - Spots still open!
Hello to all,
I still have a spot or two open for rent as we are getting closer to filling up. We have had some leave as well...... It’s not for everyone. I heard 'we're a little too remote' ..... and also many various things .. I want everyone to know this RV park by no means is perfect or for everyone . We are still trying to complete projects on campers and the laundry building. Originally, I just wanted to rent the lots but due to people not having money to buy their own, I have purchased some and spent my hard-earned money repairing them. To some this is great ...It’s a headache to me cause everything is under scrutiny at times due to our cautious nature of being a Ti. Please feel free to contact me about renting via email first. I will call you right back in a day or two. Leave me your phone #.
God bless, Carl Staley
"I would welcome other Ti s to Texas if they want to live near other ‘Tis. I have room for up to six Ti s who don’t mind living in a camper of their own. I am basically charging them lot rent of $399/ month for utilities - water sewer etc. if you have your own camper. $599/ month if you want to rent one.
The property is isolated and in the country.... 15 miles away to two different cities ...1 hour from ocean or San Antonio. No buses or public transportation. But it’s quiet here and I am easy going as well.
Drama people not needed. Everyone should be easy going and calm we could meet once a week and talk to ease some of our issues as it’s always the isolation game with our perps not wanting us to talk to anyone but them.
For more information, please contact: Carl
The Contact & Resources Committee is now open for business. Cybertorture victims seeking information, resources or just to chat may reach out to us at our PACTS International Contact Line.
We are also offering a Check-in service where TI's may check-in daily, weekly or monthly to let people know they are ok - and vice versa as needed.
The PACTS, International Contact number is: 1-888-639-5559
To the Cybertorture Family....
Turning the Tide on Police Surveillance
Speech and Panel discussion
As we begin our PACTS, International TV series, one of the regular features we feel is important is to have our stories told to the general public. Therefore, we would like to invite those of you that would like to share your experiences with the larger community, to please send us an email or video that we could show that explains your situation.
We feel that America needs to know what is happening to us, which may also be happening to them to some degree, therefore, it is imperative that our stories be shared.
If you would like to share your story in one of our episodes or have a video you'd like to share, please email us at: Thank you!
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/ 7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific/5 pm Alaska/3 pm Hawaii Call-In Number: 1-319-527-2701 Access Code: 248671#
Follow this Link to join the chatroom:
-- then, click 'Online Meeting' at the top of the page
-- click 'join meeting' in the dropdown box
-- enter meeting ID - derrickcrobinson
-- click 'Submit.'
COVID-19 Quick facts - (Click on the picture below to enlarge.)
PACTS Membership Information
Membership is $25/year. You may join via: PAYPAL: Click the 'Donate' button at our website - - or the blue button below and follow the prompts or at the following link:
You may also send a check or money order made payable to 'PACTS, International' and mail to:
PACTS, International PO Box 1925 Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
Once membership dues are received, we then mail a packet of materials for members consisting of:
- Our PACTS International pamphlet
- A PACTS Membership card
- A "You are not Alone" Wristband or TI Awareness Ribbon for renewals
- For $50 or more you receive all of the above plus the latest issue of our PACTS magazine!
PACTS International Facebook page:
PACTS, International FB Support Groups link:
Information, contacts, check-ins or just to chat
The views expressed in this section are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of PACTS, International.
Matt in Washington has started a new community bulletin board site. Feel free to peruse it at this link:
This is John from affiliated with
I would like to propose the following research project that may allow us to catch perps on video and possibly get a glimpse of the DEW weapons. After talking to many TIs calling into our 1-800 line (1-844-tihelp1) I have found that TIs who experience DEW attacks often experience a lull of 1 or 2 days from DEW attacks when they go to a different location sufficiently far from their residence. Often TIs go to motel or hotel rooms. When the DEW attacks start back up again, it is often correlated with noise harassment from perps in other rooms.
This led me to posit that a possible reason for the lull in attacks is because personnel are in the process of booking a room in the motel or hotel and setting up equipment. In essence, it may be possible that DEW attacks require personnel to be in close proximity to the TI. We may be able to to take advantage of this in the following manner:
Find a TI who experiences DEW attacks and whom we are reasonably sure is authentic.
Take the TI to several motel rooms, where they no longer are attacked by DEW weapons, and see how long it takes for the TI to start feeling the effects of DEW attacks.
We can get data on how long it takes, on average, to start up DEW attacks at a random motel.
- Go to another random motel that the TI has not visited. It would be ideal to find a single floor motel and book the TI in a corner room, near the edge of the motel, like in the picture below. Leave the room at the very edge empty.
Make sure there are no motel rooms behind the TI room.
The people helping the TI, will then book the room right next to the room the TI has booked. So the room next to the TI room will be the people helping the TI, the room on the other side of the TI will be left empty.
We wait, what we are trying to do is force Perps into the room right next to the TI.
It would be ideal to have the room next to the TI room under continuous surveillance, like people in a van with a view of the perp room. We may have to have all the rooms close to the TI room under surveillance.
We may even place surveillance devices in the rooms where the Perps may stay, that way we can get real time footage of the perps using DEW weapons!!!!
We wait until the TI begins to feel DEW attacks again.
Once TI feels DEW attacks we look for correlations between the people in the rooms around the TI and the beginning of the DEW attacks. We look for people who showed up right before the DEW attacks began.
We look at the potential perp vehicles to see if they have equipment inside. We perform further tests by driving the TI around and see if the vehicles follow. We also surveill the entrances to the TI motel room when no one is inside the room for an extended period of time. We are looking to catch Perps conducting illegal entries.
Once we have gathered a week or two worth of data, we go to another random motel and start the process over again. We want to see IF the same Perps follow the TI to the new motel.
By doing this we may be able identify real perps AND possibly catch a glimpse or gain access to the DEW equipment.
There may be factors, variables, interactions, and other details that I may have missed, any input is welcome. Different TI groups can modify the project, or propose their own research projects.
If we can obtain the funding, equipment, and personnel then we can perform this experiment almost anywhere.
Thank You,
John G.
We are a very active organization and excited about all the projects currently helping the community and those to come. We therefore, could use a few good volunteers to help us with our mission to you. If you are looking for some way to help, the following areas could use volunteer support:
- PSA project: Tim Cassella - 725-221-7271
- Phone lines - 1-888-639-5559
- Help with our PACTS magazine: Gloria Sterling - 314-395-780
PACTS International is recruiting professional sales people, and people with experience in soliciting donations, paid by commission and looking for grantwriters to apply for grants, also paid by commission.
PACTS is a non-profit, tax exempt, 501(c)3 human rights organization. These positions are paid by commission. To apply, or for more information, contact Tim Cassella Board member and CFO of PACTS International.
Tim Cassella 725-221-7271
PORTLAND, OREGON TI MEETING SCHEDULE FOR MAY Saturday, May 8, 2021 Let’s gather in front of the library: Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM Hollywood Branch Library of Multnomah County 4040 NE Tillamook Portland, Oregon See you then. Be well, brave, and strong For questions, please call Amy at: 971-207-3401
AWAKENING PRAYER Hosted by: Patricia Powell and Michael Hughes Monday & Friday Nights Time: 8:00 PM Eastern Time / 5:00 PM Pacific Phone Number: 605-562-0400 Access code: 7660364
Tuesdays and Thursdays - 9 p.m. ET (Time changed from 11 p.m. to 9 p.m. ET) 717-275-8940 Access Code: 5724269 We are no longer meeting on Sundays.
FRESNO, CALIFORNIA ***New Group Forming The Organizer, Patrick, is an activist & maintains the Twitter account, "Extremely Targeted" Patrick can be reached at:
ORGANIZING FOR A DENVER, COLORADO PROTEST Laura Ann is holding a Monday night conference call for Denver, Colorado TI's who want to plan a protest. Laura Ann Email: Cell: 208-244-4977
PHOENIX TARGETED INDIVIDUAL GATHERINGS Every Saturday: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central and Washington, across from Urban Outfitters We have flyers, microphone, gazebo tent with table. Please come join us to promote public awareness. Contact: Lewis - 602-461-1852
NEW YORK T.I. CONFERENCE CALL SATURDAYS - 8 PM Eastern Standard Time / 5 PM PST 605-313-5569, Code# 516586 Janey is the Moderator
**Congratulations*** to the following TI's who have recent or upcoming birthdays! The source of these listings is mostly my Facebook page, however, if you have a birthday in MAY or an upcoming month, and would like to be featured on the birthday list, send us an email to:
Ciara Tavares May 5 Moffat Monari - May 5 Tracy Givens - May 5 Tina Myers - May 5 Adam Alexander Johns - May 6 Khanh Dac Pham - May 6 MIssy Berry - May 6 Nal Araujo - May 6 Neech Jones - May 6 Craig Alling - May 6 Tamara Davis - May 8 Tony Wilson - May 8 Bancha Sonthong - May 9 Douglas Cruz - May 10 Ruth Golden - May 10 Arthur Bogdanove - May 10 Jerry Streigler - May 11 Parviz Hamedamian - May 11 Monica Miranda - May 12 John McMurtrey - May 12
Barbara Lindsey - May 14 John Donvair - May 16 Susie Butcher - May 17 Edward Richardson - May 18 Julio Velazquez - May 18 Vicki Kabanov – May 18 Paula Bannister – May 19 Jay Jaxon - May 20 Michael Aebi - May 20 Anthony Vance - May 22 Lisa Tyree - May 25 Nikki Crittendon - May 26 Kori Fox - May 27 Lithia Kaviris - May 27 Michael Loris - May 28 Caroline Guzman - May 29 Kylie Murphy - May 29 Sharlene Bliss - May 29 Denise Bass - May 30 Bibbi Pietsch - May 31
Freedom for Everyone in 2021!