Project News Live Help is Moving In December 2024, a new and improved Live Help widget will replace the current widget. After the change, teachers will be able to access Avenue support in the lower right corner of all pages on the Avenue website. This screenshot shows what the widget will look like. This help file explains its many features, including an AI agent for offline support. Teachers will be notified by Moodle Message when the changeover takes place.
Brand New! Independent English Learning for Canadian Newcomers We are delighted to announce the birth of a sibling for In October the project launched a new shiny platform where autonomous learners can learn English and orient themselves to Canada. has the potential to fill a serious service gap for adult newcomers. These learners can benefit from independent language learning: Newcomers on waiting lists ... Prospective immigrants before their arrival ... Learners in formal language training ...
Navigating CanAvenue Webinar (Dec 3, 2024) This [TESL Ontario] webinar** will guide language instructors on functionality of the CanAvenue resource. Language instructors will be shown nuances of specific activity types and be provided with the attributes of the CanAvenue LMS. Suggestions for instructors who wish to consider CanAvenue and how it can benefit their students will be offered. [**Non-TESL Ontario members are invited to view the All About CanAvenue webinar recording to learn more about this new resource.]
New Avenue Learning Leadership Course Begins in January Avenue Leadership Training now formatted as 13 weekly units ; Participants build skills as lead teachers or managers; Grow your learning tech skills with a community of LINC or CLIC or Ontario ALT (ESL and FSL) colleagues; Complete all the weekly units to earn a Leadership Certificate; Engage with videos, readings, audio podcasts and discussion forums; Take a dive into Universal Design for Learning and the SAMR model ; Develop a strategic plan to improve local learning technology uptake and teaching/learning practices; and more …
Interview with Dr. Phil Hubbard, Part Four In this session, Dr Hubbard describes challenges he has faced in integrating Technology-enhanced language learning (TELL) into language education and how he has overcome them, the rapid advancements in technology, and how AI will shape the future of language learning and teaching. The conversation concludes with advice for educators who are just beginning to incorporate TELL into their teaching methods.
WhatsApp will soon transcribe your voice messages WhatsApp is introducing a new transcription feature that makes it easier (and more convenient) to communicate using voice messaging. The feature is rolling out globally to Android and iOS users “in the coming weeks” according to WhatsApp, and will automatically create a text version of voice clips under the message for moments when you’re unable to listen to them….
Toronto newcomers paying up to 12 months' rent up front to secure housing Andrea Carranza and her husband vied for at least a dozen condo units when they first arrived in Toronto last summer. … They ended up handing over $28,300 — their life savings — to prove their reliability to the landlords and, finally, secure a home.They're part of a growing number of newcomers who are paying thousands of dollars up front to persuade landlords to rent them apartments. …
Foreign accents may be your get-out-of-jail-free card for using poor grammar If you’ve ever felt self-conscious about mixing up “the” and “a” while speaking English as a second language, here’s some good news: native English speakers are likely to be more forgiving of your grammatical slip-ups if you have a foreign accent. …
Voice from the past: how one university is countering AI with ancient examination techniques Over millennia, debating the issues of the day has evolved as a rite of passage to graduate from university in Europe and parts of the Muslim world. A town square in the ancient world might not be the most obvious place to tackle the challenges of artificial intelligence facing universities. But the oral tradition of viva voce, which from Latin translates as “word of mouth”, is being adopted as a more accurate way to test knowledge in the age of chatbots, cheating and commercialisation. …
2025–2027 Immigration Levels Plan ach year, the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship tables the Immigration Levels Plan, a forward-looking snapshot of immigration targets for the next three years. The plan provides permanent resident admissions targets for 2025, with notional commitments for 2026 and 2027. For the first time, we’re extending our levels plan to also include targets for temporary residents …
Generating AI Podcasts for Learning There’s a lot of talk about how Google NotebookLM can generate an AI podcast or an audio overview of a topic in conversational form using two AI voices. You provide or link to the source material. If you are unfamiliar with NotebookLM, it’s an artificial intelligence research assistant that you can use to assist with learning. … In this episode, I thought you might like to hear and react to two short audio overviews generated by NotebookLM. ...
The Future Of Assessments: Meaningful Changes You Need To Make When Assessing Online Learners Check out some great ways to assess your online learners and make positive changes that can really enhance their engagement, accuracy, and skill development. Discover how you can tweak your assessment methods for even better results. …
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence To Personalize eLearning Experiences … AI technologies may prove highly important for realizing adaptive, engaging, and student-centered learning in eLearning. This article explores the transformation of eLearning through the use of AI in personalized learning paths, content recommendations, real-time feedback, and more. …
Free Canada Settlement Services for new immigrants to get a job Canada is renowned for its inclusive policies and support systems that help immigrants settle and thrive. … Top 10 Settlement Services for Job-Ready Newcomers …
Professional Development
New in the Annotated Bibliography: Language Learning for Refugees and Immigrants: Innovative Approaches This report provides suggestions to address the potential shortcomings of traditional classroom-based language programs. The approaches include culturally relevant curriculum, cross-cultural exchange and exploration, use of technology to deliver personalized instruction and are intended to provide flexibility, accessibility and social inclusion.
Components of Successful Distance Learning Programs for Adult English Language Learners ... After the end of the pandemic, many Adult Basic Education (ABE) programs in the United States continue to provide flexible and accessible Distance Learning (DL) options to meet their learners’ needs. ... This project sought to research different components of DL programming for adult English Language Learners (ELLs) and to look at the indicators of success of those components. .... [It] consists of web pages and digital tools to support adult ELLs and their DL instructors, including virtual teacher observation and co-teaching guides, a digital student handbook, and a web page to connect learners to technology resources. ...
Virtual Event: Exploring AI in Applied Linguistics & Beyond! A Conversation with Carol A. Chapelle Dec 6, 2024 11am PT/1pm CT/2pm ET - The CALICO AI SIG is excited to host a virtual event featuring Carol A. Chapelle, PhD, co-editor of the recent edited book Exploring artificial intelligence in applied linguistics. ... Following a brief presentation and highlighting key aspects of the book, attendees will have the opportunity to engage in a dynamic Q&A session to explore these topics further. ….
e-Resource Corner
English in Vancouver A site with activities to practice reading, writing, speaking and listening. The site utilizes many video resources suitable for CLB 1-3.
How To Write A Strong Thesis Statement For Academic Essays A strong thesis statement is crucial for academic essays, guiding the argument and focus. To write an effective thesis, narrow your topic, ensure it's debatable, and take a clear position while being concise. These steps enhance clarity and engagement in your writing.
New Language Solutions is based in Ottawa, Ontario. We acknowledge that our head office is on the traditional, unceded territory of the Algonquin Anishnaabeg People. Beyond Ottawa, we have staff working in locations across Canada. New Language Solutions is grateful to have the opportunity to work as a guest in communities and territories across the country, and we honour the stewardship of the many Indigenous peoples who have resided on and cared for these lands since time immemorial.
We make our acknowledgement as a sign of respect for all Indigenous Peoples of Turtle Island, past and present. We accept the true impact of the past and the pain suffered by generations of Indigenous Peoples. As an agency that works to support the integration of newcomers into Canadian society and cultures, we express our commitment to support activities that are inclusive of Indigenous Peoples. We resolve to address a history of injustice to First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples.