Happy Hill 4

Written by Joe Mulvey/Rich Douek.
Artwork by Joe Mulvey
Colors by Rich Sotomayor

Buy this and the other in the Happy Hill series HERE.

The story so far

  • There's a missing girl, Mackenzie Macintyre age 5 who has a concerned mother looking for her amongst the Happy Hill resort grounds. She's notified the authorities about the tragedy. Her cousin is one of the police looking for Mackenzie.
  • There's an investigative reporter with his FBI agent partner posing as a couple in a relationship vacationing at Happy Hill to find out about the legend of 'The Wudsman,' a boogie-man type of creature who wears an antlered and goggled hood, and menaces those who wander into the woods.
  • There's the Hill family itself, who have a secret to keep about the origins of their presence in the woods itself.

Peppered throughout the story are gruesome scenes that involve plant stems skewering hapless victims, killing them with multiple stabbings throughout their bodies.

Colorful Horror.

Happy Hill as I've reported before is a colorful rich and lavish tale that goes counter to most horror stories. The deep greens and violets that belong in a children's fantasy story book play well here to keep you just off guard enough.

Above and below.

For those who haven't read this story yet I'll keep this review free of spoilers. Suffice to say, the fact that there's a missing girl at Happy Hill and that murders have taken place indicate that soon with part 5 some kind of confrontation will come down. Throughout the Happy Hill tale there's this sense of above/below working on the reader. People who wander below the ground vs. people who are enjoying their stay at the resort in well lit comfortable splendor above ground.

Will Mackenzie meet her mother again? It seems a strong possibility but I won't tell.

Next Tuesday:

A graphic novel set in the seedy late 1980s Time Square New York, involving prostitutes and murder:

Peepland by Christa Faust and Gary Phillips

Tim's Notebook

12 Woodwardia Ave

Felton CA 95018