News and Market Developments
Becker’s Health IT: Orlando Health Hospital-at-Home Program Treats 2,000th Patient: Five Things to Know (12/30) - Orlando Health Hospital Care at Home has served more than 2,000 patients since launching in February 2023. Patients in the Orlando Health patient care hub have 24/7 remote monitoring and virtual care by nurses and providers. Medical conditions that can be cared for safely in the home-based program include: cellulitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, urinary tract infection, heart failure, COVID-19, pneumonia, gastroenteritis, acute pancreatitis, multiple sclerosis flare-ups, sepsis and vasculitis.
Home Health Care News: Best Buy Health Lays Out Biggest Lessons Learned From Hospital-At-Home (12/19) - A recent whitepaper released by Best Buy Health highlights how hospital-at-home programs need to educate their clinicians to expect data variations. “Repeat training sessions with clinicians as they gain familiarity with this new stream of data,” Best Buy Health wrote. “Patients and caregivers should also be trained to use the technology, and if the collected vital signs are visible to patients and carers, prepare them for what they might see to avoid any undue concern.”
Home Health Care News: HRS Founder Aims To ‘Democratize’ Investment Banking, Exit Process For Home-Based Care Providers (12/17) - During his time as CEO of home-focused telehealth and remote patient monitoring company Health Recovery Solutions, Jarrett Bauer aimed to help more home-based care providers extend their reach through virtual care.
Home Health Care News: Empath Health CEO On ‘Jumping Into’ The Risk Business in Home-Based Care (12/16) - Florida-based Empath Health is expanding their service lines. They offer hospice, home health care, palliative care, grief services, Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE), adult day services, primary care services and more. Earlier this year, the company completed an affiliation process with Trustbridge, which formed the largest nonprofit post-acute provider organization in the state of Florida.
Home Health Care News: More Than Half Of Home-Based Care Providers Are Investing In AI (12/13) - A recent survey by Home Health Care News and Forcura revealed that more than half of home-based care companies have either already invested in artificial intelligence (AI) or plan to do so within the next year. The primary motivation behind this trend is the ongoing staffing shortages in the sector.
Health Leaders: Sanford Health Gets Real on Virtual Care (12/12) - South Dakota-based Sanford health system's Virtual Care Center aims to use the latest in digital and telehealth technology and programs to address key pain points in rural health care. The center will develop new tools and strategies to improve access to care in a region where geography and weather are significant barriers.The Virtual Care Center is divided into an Education Institute, Innovation Center and Clinical Service Delivery labs.
Home Health Care News: Another State Faces The Pros, Cons Of Standardizing Home Care (12/11) - Home care providers are now required to be licensed by the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. Regulations requiring licensure ensures agencies have to meet hiring standards and care professionals receive proper training. Industry leaders notice drawbacks of the licensing requirements are increased expenses and that they were crafted by individuals who “do not fully understand the home care industry.”
Healthcare IT News: Seventy-Four Percent of Hospital Leaders Say Virtual Nursing Will Become Integral to Acute Care (12/10) - AvaSure, a virtual nursing technology and services company, released a study from “The Virtual Care Insight Survey.” They found that thirty percent of hospital leaders and hospital IT leaders reported no virtual nursing in their organizations. At the same time, seventy-four percent of leaders believe virtual nursing is or will become integral to care delivery models in acute inpatient care.
TechTarget: Virtual Acute Care at Home Cutes Length of Hospital Stay (12/6) - A study shows that an at-home care model incorporating virtual care, remote patient monitoring and urgent care was linked to shorter hospital stays than standard inpatient care. Los Angeles General Medical Center’s Safer@Home model is similar to the hospital-at-home care model, but allows patients to be discharged to their homes and cared for via virtual clinical and remote patient monitoring services, oral or inhalation therapy, and return urgent care visits when in-person care is needed.