ChabadMatch Update

Tishrei 5781 Edition 50

Gmar Chasima Tova!

5780 was a challenging year for many of us who lost loved ones and struggled with Parnasa. Even in difficult times we were able to see Bracha with  record numbers of engagements on ChabadMatch, the launching of virtual meetings with Shadchanim during lockdowns, and a large growth in members on the site. May 5781 be a year of revealed good where we can share Simchas together!

6 New Engagements This Month!!!

1) Rus Kinn relates: "With great kindness from the One Above, two days after the girl signed up with ChabadMatch I suggested her to a bachur who contacted me earlier that same month.  They both agreed that it seemed a good likely match and after looking into the idea more closely decided to meet.  Due to some corona related hiccups they finally met about two months later, and after meeting several times they decided to get engaged!"

2) Another successful Shidduch from the Meet Shadchanim Even at this year's Kinus HaShluchos!  Shadchan Chumy Delevkovitz was a Shadchan at the event, met a mother, and 7 months later an engagement is celebrated for her daughter!

3) Miriam Schmuckler relates: "I saw Moshe's resume and thought of someone I knew.  She did a zoom with him (she was in Crown Heights) and realized she couldn't focus on Shidduchim then, because she was traveling.  She thought of a friend for Moshe, who actually lived in California and could date Moshe properly.  B"h i set them up and it went well!"

4) Chani Raksin relates: "I saw a new profile on the site and arranged to meet the girl.  After meeting the girl I knew exactly what she was looking for and when the boy's mother called me I knew they would be a great match.  They started out on the phone, then zoom, and after arranging logistic and two weeks of quarantine they were able to meet and shortly thereafter get engaged!"

5) Yehudis Abramowitz relates: "I met Ben when he was a student at Mayanot Yeshiva in Yerushalayim.  I was impressed by his good Midos and we stayed in touch after he went back to the US and enrolled in a Master's Program in Social Work.  One of the daily ChabadMatch profiles appeared with Rachael's information.  She seemed like just the right girl for him. After sharing the profiles and arranging for the the couple to meet, I found it such a pleasure working with each of them.  Each one was so sensitive to the feelings of the other.  Both baalei teshuva, yet they worked with me and with each other in the most tzniusdik fashion.  B"H, the shidduch has been brought to its happy conclusion.  Their simcha is my simcha!"

6) Shadchan Noach Pawliger new the Chosson from his hometown, Atlanta.  He found the European Kallah's profile, on ChabadMatch and was able to compare both of their profiles, and Boruch Hashem they matched and got engaged!

How do I find a match for my daughter?

By: Chaya Sarah Silberberg


My daughter is living in New York for three years. She works and is very happy, but she didn't get married yet. What should I do?


A few suggestions:

  1. A buzzword in the financial world: networking. Consider your daughter a highly desirable commodity. Network with people you know. Tell your rabbi, members of your synagogue, co-workers, family and friends that she wants to get married. Maybe they know a cousin, a friend, a neighbor, a business contact to whom they can introduce her. Ask them to keep their eyes and ears open for any eligible prospects. Practically speaking, encourage her to look her best before she goes out on a date. Stress to her the importance of being pleasant and friendly even if she feels the man is not for her. You never know – he might have a friend.
  2. On the spiritual side: a couple of mitzvot can’t hurt. Specifically, charity to help poor brides get married – either here or in Israel. If there’s no organization of the kind in your community, I can recommend Ten Yad ( in New York. They really do wonderful work, and they do it sensitively and graciously.
  3. The Mincha â€“ afternoon – prayer is especially associated with finding a match. Daven Mincha for your daughter, and let her do it herself as often as possible (only once a day, please). If you are the mother, the most propitious time for prayers is when you light the Shabbat candles. Make sure to light eighteen minutes before sunset and to put at least a few coins in a charity box before lighting. Then, once you’ve lit, say a prayer from your heart for your daughter.
  4. It never hurts to get some saintly intervention. It is an ancient Jewish custom to ask tzaddikim â€“ holy men – (both living and those who have passed on) for a blessing. You or your daughter can ask a blessing of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, OBM, by either faxing or emailing the office at the Ohel.                                                        Good luck, and may we hear good news soon.
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