Dear GNN faithful,
On a cold night in Nepal, a phone call came in to one of our pastors in Nepalgung village. The call was from an unknown caller, but our pastor was on duty to listen for any response from the day's radio broadcasts emanating from 24 FM stations all over North West Nepal.
Right away our pastor could sense the tension in the callers voice. After a minute our caller, a man, regained his composure. He said that he was extremely nervous to call this number, given at the end of the program, because he did not know who would be on the other end. He said he was trying to work up enough courage to call for several weeks! Finally he dialed the numbers. Our caller went on to communicate how much he had enjoyed the Good News Nepal Evangelistic radio program, and had listened almost every day for months to the differing programs. Finally one day he repented to God that he was a sinner and hopelessly lost. None of his Hindu beliefs had helped him. Then he found something new to him, that even he could have his sins forgiven through the true God, that Jesus Christ came to earth and died for his sins. Yes, our caller had already repented of his sins and accepted Jesus as his Savior before his phone call!
The work of the Holy Spirit in Nepal is so powerful! GNN will send 2 pastors to follow up with the man, and assist him with discipleship. Oh, and what about starting a church?
A couple of days after the original call, our new Christian called back! He had gathered 2 of his friends and told them the Good News. They too listened intently to the daily broadcast, and he was calling to report that his 2 friends had also become Christians!
"Oh God, we are so thankful for your working in the hearts of these 3 men. Please be with them as they travel along the pathway of being a true follower of You. In just the right way, help GNN pastors to do all that they can to help this new 'church.' We praise your name for your faithfulness to the people who have never heard the Gospel. Lord, we want to work tirelessly for you until all have come into Your Kingdom." Amen.