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My friend, Shawna, recently put on an old pair of jeans and halfway through the day, realized her legs were dry and irritated. She used to have this problem all the time, didn’t know what was causing it and had learned to simply live with it.

But when that old pair of jeans made her legs irritated, a lightbulb went off. She realized she’d changed laundry detergent since wearing those jeans. They still had the old detergent residue on them and that’s what was bothering her skin. Read more here!

Our skin is the biggest organ in our body and it absorbs anything that we put on it. We wear clothes almost 24/7 and snuggle up with a pillow and blankets all night. Whatever residue is on those fabrics will absorb into our skin.

So, does someone in your family have sensitive skin? Dry, itchy, irritated or inflamed? Time to evaluate what you’re putting on your clothes.

When I was going through my FertilityCare Practitioner training, my supervisor told me about a couple she’d worked with who struggled to get pregnant for years. She’d taught them to chart her cycle, referred them for medical treatment to heal underlying issues, they’d gotten treatment and still they couldn’t conceive. Years later, for some reason, they quit using fabric softener dryer sheets and surprise! She got pregnant!

Sound like a coincidence? Maybe, but when you understand that the fragrance and chemicals in dryer sheets are loaded with endocrine disruptors, this story makes more sense. Endocrine disruptors, also called xenoestrogens, are chemicals that mimic our natural reproductive hormones (mostly estrogen). When we absorb these chemicals through our skin, they target our organs just as natural estrogen does. This causes unbalanced hormones and affects our health and fertility.

Though it’d be easiest to give you a list of ingredients to avoid, I simply can’t. There are thousands and thousands of chemicals, many with different names. And companies don’t have to list exactly what is in “fragrance” or “parfum” so you can bet there is probably something in that “fragrance” that you don’t want soaking into your body. Always avoid anything scented with artificial fragrances.

Instead of listing what to avoid, let me give ways to find healthier laundry alternatives

In the washing machine:

  • Look for plant-based, unscented laundry detergent
  • Use washing balls (Google “washing balls” or “laundry balls”)
  • Try making your own laundry soap
  • Beware of “green” detergents - they sometimes have toxic compounds
  • If in doubt, use the Think Dirty phone app to see what’s really in the product

In the dryer:

  • Add ¼ cup white vinegar to the rinse cycle when washing to avoid static
  • Hang your clothes outside to dry
  • Use wool dryer balls to cut down on drying time and avoid static
  • Use high quality essential oils in the wash or on dryer balls to give a light scent

In our house, I use washing balls and dryer balls (I like things that are reusable so I don’t have to worry about running out!) I also hang clothes on the line during the summer to save money, plus I grew up using a clothesline, so it’s normal for me. I haven’t noticed any difference in how clean our clothes are other than them not smelling strongly of fake fragrance. No one in my family has complained either!

My friend Shawna hasn’t had any dry irritated skin since switching to a natural laundry detergent made by Young Living. She’s also shared a whole host of other health benefits she’s experienced from switching out all her household and beauty products - check out how she's preventing Covid!

Simple tip for the week:  For a happy reproductive system and happy skin, have a look at the labels on your laundry products. Find a healthier way to wash and dry your clothes for the sake of your family's health!

-Hanna Cox, Cloak Confident Girl

P.S. What your kids are exposed to when they’re young will affect them as adults. Ditch the conventional laundry detergent and fabric softener to keep the nasty hormone-disrupting chemicals out of their bodies.

If you’ve found a healthy laundry alternative you love, reply and let me know! I’m always looking for proven products to share with my readers!

Cloak of Roses, LLC

409 Al St, Kearney
Nebraska 68845 United States

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