Serving Opportunities
Exaltation Singers
We need 12 new singers to join our choir. Specifically, we are looking for an additional 3 people per section: bass, tenor, alto and soprano. The big need is for more men to support our current dedicated singers.
Who Can Serve:
Here is the ask: if you are gifted with a singing voice, have experience singing in choirs or others have mentioned you have a really nice voice, please join our Exaltation Choir.
Do you need to be a member of the church to join? No. We welcome anyone in our community. Also, if you know of singers who live in the community and would enjoy our Exaltation Singers, please ask them to consider joining us.
Time Commitment:
The Singers rehearse every Sunday morning at 8:30 a.m. to learn new music.
At 9:30 a.m. we rehearse our Sunday worship music with the orchestra.
At 11:00 a.m. we lead the congregation in authentic worship.
You are looking at a 4-hour commitment on Sunday mornings.
Your past singing experience is all you need. Reading music is not a requirement, but it helps if you do. We also have tools that will help you learn your music during the week.
How do I participate? Call the church office, 803-831-1615, or send John Lewis an email, and he will take it from there.