What's The Best Piece Of Advice You Ever Received? Good advice can change the course of your life. In this great read, Deb asks many exemplary women abot the best advice they've ever received, and how it changed their lives. Tons of gems. Some of my favorite picks:
- Run your own race
- Don’t be limited by other people’s limited imagination
The Small Steps of Giant Leaps "One of the most beneficial skills you can learn in life is how to consistently put yourself in a good position. The person who finds themselves in a strong position can take advantage of circumstances while others are forced into a series of poor choices.
Strong positions are not an accident. Weak positions aren’t bad luck. The position you find yourself in today is the accumulation of the small choices that you’ve been making for years."
Why Are Letters Shaped The Way They Are Exploring the connection between what words look and sound like. Learn more about the evolution of words.
Food in 2030 What are experts saying about how we will eat by 2030?