We're excited to share our updated statistics page with you! This page is full of new features that help you learn about different travel patterns.

You can see which regions are most visited by travellers from certain countries, discover popular and less-known destinations, and get a closer look at travel trends within large areas like megaregions.

Our statistics also dive into specific aspects like the DARE places that adventurous travellers like most and those still waiting to be discovered.

Plus, we track the most visited countries and regions, showing not just where travellers go, but also the places they love to return to.

You'll also find yearly stats about travellers who visit the most countries, and those exploring new countries and regions. 

Something cool what we introduced is the most travelled nations index.


Head over to our blog and read the complete statistics manual.

It's a great resource whether you're planning your next journey or just curious about the world of travel.


P.S. We use a lot of data to "refine" this statistics and sometimes there can be a small mistake somewhere. Please, let us know if you spot any. Thanks.

New DARE Additions 

We're adding exciting DARE destinations in the Eastern Europe megaregion this December.

Thanks to our Geography Committee, presided by Harry Mitsidis and experts Dietmar Cerjak, James Coyne, Katelyn Jarvis, Erik Jelinek, Dmitry Malov, Mikael Staffas, and Vassilis Stamatelopoulos, we've picked unique places for you.

Our ever-growing DARE list now stands at 1336 unique destinations!

Moldova: Briceni district extreme northwest - road sign leads to Romania or Ukraine


Here are the DARE spots we've added this week: 

Additionally, we're making some changes to our Series lineup. As we integrate more regions into DARE, our XL Series, a pioneer since 2016, will conclude at the end of this year.

While we bid farewell to this beloved Series, its essence will live on through our evolving DARE destinations and other specialised Series. Divided towns have been moved to our Border Series.

Remember, you can still download the XL Series Excel file from our website while it's available.

UNESCO's New World Heritage Sites

As 2023 draws to a close, we take a moment to look back at this year by highlighting the 42 UNESCO World Heritage Sites announced this past September.

These sites, each a testament to our global heritage, range from ancient architectural marvels to landscapes of profound natural beauty.

For a detailed look at these remarkable additions, we would like you to read our article on these sites on our blog.

End the year with a journey through these inspiring UNESCO sites and enrich your understanding of our world's diverse heritage.

Aland Islands Tour (June 5-9, 2024)

Get ready for an exciting 5-day journey with NomadMania to the Aland Islands, from June 5th to 9th, 2024. This special tour covers all three NoomadMania DARE regions in the Aland Islands, including the remarkable Märket Reef.

While visiting Märket Reef depends on the weather, we've planned a flexible itinerary to make the most of this unique destination.

Märket Reef


Read here for full details and to book your spot on this unforgettable tour! Only two places remaining!


REMINDER: While the first departure for our Syria trip is fully booked, we still have a few spots left for the June 5th departure. BOOK NOW!

As Seen On...

Experience the world through the eyes of Palle Bo in The Radio Vagabond Travel Podcast, featuring his journey with NomadMania in Ukraine.

Read and listen the following episodes: 

  1. "UKRAINE: Going to a Country in a Full-Scale War

  2. "UKRAINE: Destroyed Village at the Front-line

  3. "From Destruction to Determination and Hope in Eastern Ukraine"

Palle’s Ukraine series is ongoing, so stay tuned for more episodes that bring to light the resilience and challenges faced by this war-stricken nation. 

See all our media mentions on our press page.


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