We all know that 2020 has been a year like no other. Most of us are staggering towards the end of it, glad to have simply made it across the finish line. But as Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius, Fixed Air in the coming days, ask yourself with a whisper - "What next?"
What dreams did you put on hold all this year? What have you lost? Who have you lost? Did your dreams become even bigger for next year? If not, why not?
Did your dreams get buried beneath the day to day challenge of getting the kids up, home schooling, cooking endless meals, having a "not that great partner" stuck at home with you. Did that make you question your relationship?
Or did you go - hell no! And did you write that book? Did you create new art? Did you stay in contact with loved ones by that oh so old fashioned method of handwritten letters?
If you had 2020 back all over again, what would you have done differently? And so, in 2021 ask yourself what will you do differently? Will you finally embrace your true creative self like never before? Will you with excited anticipation go into an art shop and order some oil paints? Will you join a painting class on ZOOM? Will you finally write your screenplay? Will you finish those poems and sent them to a local newspaper?
Will you? Oh, will you?
For me, the only, simply the only thing which truly got me through a year of titanic grief, heartache and almost unbearable loss, was writing. Days I wrote were always better. Oh so much better. Now back living beside the sea these past three weeks, which is essential to my soul, my writing is flowing like never before.
In 2021 I will be focusing on working with creative souls who yearn to stop hiding, stop playing small, and get that book published, or paint and sell those paintings.
Yes you can indeed make a living doing what you love. Oh you so can, my loves. There is no other feeling in the world like it. I became a photographer after losing my job in 2009 and sold my first six handmade cards unexpectedly to a friend who loved them so much she bought them instantly. I promptly spent the money on a bottle of wine for us both and felt like Picasso for all of the following week. A sale of 20 Euro was all it took for me to feel like I was king of the art world in West Cork. I have never forgotten that feeling.
For that's how becoming an artist starts folks. First your friends and family buy your work, then their friends and family. And on and on it goes.
There is quite simply no other feeling in the world like that of someone paying you for your craft, whether that be astrology, acupuncture, painting, writing, a handmade bag ...it is pure gold and fills the heart with such joy.
As Jupiter and Saturn move into Aquarius our society will change again - we know not how. Facebook is being sued. More of us are moving to Instagram. 90 year olds navigate ZOOM with ease and grace. Many will line up to be vaccinated, many others will cry no.
There is simply no going back to how life was.
And ask yourself, are you ready?
My new "Vein of Gold" creative package is geared towards those of you who want to step fearlessly into your creativity and earn a living from it. It is designed towards getting you well down that magnificently terrifying road of becoming an established artist. We work with your natal chart, your transit chart, your astrocartography chart and the Moon, Venus Neptune and the Nodes to achieve this.
Within weeks. Yes folks, within weeks. It's really not that hard dear readers. Us humans love to make life hard. So let me make it easy for you
Click HERE for details
Or if if you would like a free 15 minute chat to find out if it is for you, email me HERE and I will send you the link to chat.
My astrology gift vouchers are still available to purchase online and are the prefect unusual gift for Christmas. They can also be used towards my Vein of Gold package. You can ask your loved ones to purchase a voucher for you or you can treat yourself!
To purchase the vouchers click HERE
And yes many of us are still planning to relocate or travel, somehow next year. To book an astrology session or an astrocartography session click HERE
And to find out more about how Bruce Springsteen resonates so much with Ireland, click HERE to read my latest blog post
My WOMR radio shows are now on my website to listen to, so for tons of free astrology info, just click HERE
I will be holding a free webinar next week on the upcoming Jupiter Saturn conjunction and what it heralds for the year ahead so if you would like to be notified, please email me HERE
Till next time dear readers. Stay well. And thank you from the bottom of my heart for continuing to support my work.
And yes, an even newer more integrated website is coming soon!