State of Caring - Carers, have your say
More than a million New Zealanders care for family members / whānau who are unwell, frail, or have a health condition or disability. Yet family carers often feel invisible, taken for granted in their role. If this sounds like you, and you’d like to add your voice, Carers NZ would like to hear from you, through our State of Caring survey. Your input will help us understand how carers are doing, how you can be better supported, and guide advocacy efforts for better outcomes.
We would love to hear from as many of you as possible, to build a better picture of how caring affects different people. The anonymised results of this survey will be published later this year.
Participants who provide contact details can enter a draw to win vouchers. To find out more or take part, click on the link State of Caring survey
Please note that this survey takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.