As predicted last week, we are up to our Extra Ears in ExtraGive already this morning. I am launching early just in case you have time to pop on over to our social media and visit with Marci and me between 8:00 and 8:30. Then come back a little later to chat with Secretary Dunn beginning at 10:00.
You'll find the links outlined below.
And in response to an inquiry from Local Larry, part of the beauty of the ExtraGive is the generosity of the Lancaster County Community Foundation and the key sponsor of the day, The High Foundation, in passing along 100% of the proceeds to the participating organizations with no fees or charges from the Foundations. There is a credit card transaction fee charged by the card processors, of course. No gettin' around that one!
The masthead comes from the Hiking & Backpacking PA Book of Faces and is one of a few from Don Simpson on a recent trip to the Pinchot Trail. As it happens, we have a couple of Dutchware Gear camping hammocks in the ExtraGive prize bin so that could be you swaying comfortably in the trees. Had to laugh at one comment complimenting Don and his friends for the neatness of the campsite, saying "When our family camps it looks like a bomb went off on 'Sanford & Son.'" Did I just date myself by finding that hilarious?
Speaking of the masthead, I apologize to all of you who noticed that last week's jigsaw, supposed to have been based on Matt Yingling's Shaggers Pond photo, didn't link properly. So lucky you. Two jigsaws, this week. First, the corrected link for Matt's photo. The second will follow below - and I'll test it this week!