Leave all your troubles behind...

... forever.

Happy Hill part 2

Written by Rich Douek and Joe Mulvey
Artwork by Joe Mulvey
Colors by Christopher Sotomayor
Lettering by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Published by ComixTribe.
Buy it HERE.

On the hook.

The trick of telling a good story is to hook the reader early on. Happy Hill did that with part 1 showing us the deadly danger lurking in the woods via the legendary 'Wudsman.' Coupled with that was the disappearance of a young girl, last seen with her estranged father. The other trick of a good story is to let that hook stay embedded in the reader's mind as it moves on other paths.

Happy Hill 2 again does that, weaving a tale of the history of the resort, its amenities and pleasures. Rest easy, keeping true to horror Happy Hill does dispose of a body more or less before the pages close.

Again with the ubiquitous riot of color and bright bold contrasts, an almost children's story book look we have a darkly deadly subtext looming just beyond the shadows. The world filled in by Christopher Sotomoyer's riotous palette of colors and patterns shift without warning into the blood soaked violence that breathes just beyond sight.

Some welcome background.

As chapter 2 type stories go it's understandable that you have to present a certain amount of expository detail, and repeat a few relationships for those who haven't read the first part -or at least haven't re-read it to get back up to speed again. We're introduced to a new hostess, a small elderly woman with high-fashion sense named Marta. A few little tricks and quirks get shown that Happy Hill isn't a normal place: pollen in the flowers changing ones behavior.

All the while the little girl Genine remains missing, deep in the woods. I'm eagerly anticipating the next installment... hook, line and sinker.

Next Tuesday:

Mystical sword-and-sorcery tale.

The Black Hand
Parts 1 - 4
by Erica Heflin and Fares Mase

Tim's Notebook

12 Woodwardia Ave

Felton CA 95018
