A huge and heartfelt thanks for everyone who replied to my last email offering to help me revert my system back to the old operating system and get my programs working again. While it wasn't a seamless process, I was able to get back the most important apps running (and I didn't have to sacrifice too much). Lesson learned - ALL the backups from now on!
A special thanks to none other than the new CEO of Orchard Corset who took time out of her busy day to call me and make sure that I still have the means to keep fresh content coming to Youtube. I've said it before and I'll say it again - the corset community is precious and tight-knit.
Thank you, thank you, thank you to each and every one who took the time to email me and offer support and advice!
In non-computer news, how was everyone's holiday? My family got hit by the stomach flu going around, but we're thankfully mostly over the worst of it now. Those of you who wrote Santa for a new corset, did you get what you wished for?
If not, read ahead because I've just put 20 corsets in my shop into clearance with silly-low prices (seriously... the Vollers and Axfords corsets are below cost now. Those corsets need to mooooove).