Hello from gorgeous cow country in upstate NY! To look outside, at first you'd never know we're in a crisis. Sun, warmth, and a new mini-greenhouse to make my wife happy: And with the house full of kids, you might forgive me for forgetting (for like, 2.4 seconds) that there's a crazy virus out there. But the utter lack of other people soon reminds me... So I'd like to sweeten your "free" quarantine time with a free book. I've bundles my last three non-fiction books (basically my blog posts put together into a pretty format) into a single book. Here's the cover and blurb: Writing a book is so much more than just creating a story. There is a whole world that must be built around the characters and their journey. This world is filled with backstories that hardly ever make it into the published stories. But they are often as interesting as the invented tales themselves. Nicholas Kotar's Raven Son series is steeped in the rich history, culture, and folklore of the Russian people. This box set includes three previously published short books of nonfiction. In them you will learn about the fairy tales, the real-life heroes, and the folk culture of old Russia that appears in transfigured form in the events and characters of the Raven Son epic fantasy series. Second Gift I've done some of my best work while listening to music. And I find a very specific kind of music to be helpful in inducing a state of deep work. That's choral music of the 16th and 17th centuries in a language I don't understand. Yes, I realize that's fairly specific. But it works. If you'd like to sample my playlist, download it here. Second Writing Workshop I'm running a second workshop on Ursula LeGuin's Steering the Craft this friday at 3:00 pm Eastern Time. It's the same one I gave last week, so if you missed it, now's your chance. We had a really fun time last time, so I'm looking forward to this one as well. If you're interested, be sure to tune in at 3:00 pm. Here's the link, and I'll send it again on Friday. And in the meantime, thank you for coming along with me on my writerly adventures! ~Nicky Nicholas Kotar, Author | PO Box 607, Richfield Springs