MaryAnn Diorio Books

"Heart-Mending Fiction"

Women's Fiction / Romance / Romantic Suspense /
Fiction for Children

DECEMBER 2022 Newsletter

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The Official Newsletter of Author MaryAnn Diorio


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MaryAnn Diorio writes women’s fiction from a quaint, Victorian town in southern New Jersey where neighbors still stop to chat while walking their dogs, houses still sport wide, wrap-around porches, and the charming downtown still finds kids licking lollipops and old married folks holding hands. A Jersey girl at heart, MaryAnn is a big fan of Jersey diners, Jersey tomatoes, and the Jersey shore.

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__A Word in Due Season
__Announcing Three New Releases
__Other Books for Holiday Gift-Giving
__On the Homefront
__The Inside Story
__December Giveaway
__My Happy Places
__Your Happy Places
__My New Product Line
__Your Turn
__The Recipe Rack


by MaryAnn Diorio, PhD

Dear ,

It seems as though we just put away our Christmas decorations and here we are again, ready to take them out. Do you find that each year seems to pass more quickly than the previous one?

I have a feeling that time is being accelerated. Especially since last month, by God's grace, I celebrated my 77th birthday. Just yesterday, I was sixteen, and today I'm a mature (I won't say "old" :)) woman—
although I must confess, I still feel like sixteen on the inside. :)

Have you ever considered that our spirits never age? They are eternal and live in eternity which is a realm outside of time. One day, after we go to be with the Lord, we will be eternally young. Talk about a blessing! :)

But that blessing will be ours only when receive Jesus Christ into our lives as our Savior and Lord. During the Christmas season, we commemorate and celebrate His first coming to earth as a little baby in order to save us. Soon, we will celebrate Him as King of kings and Lord of lords when He returns to catch us away in the Rapture.

Are you ready to meet Him? Have you accepted Jesus as your personal Savior and Lord? In other words, have you been born again?

If not, do so now and make this Christmas season the most wonderful season of your life.

With love and blessings for a Merry Christmas!


Announcing Three New Releases . . . 

I am very excited to announce that I have three new titles this month for your reading pleasure: The Captain and Mrs. Vye, A Christmas Homecoming, and Miracle at Madville. Here are details on each one:


Set in charming Cape May, New Jersey, in 1873, The Captain and Mrs. Vye is the story of a middle-aged, childless widow who discovers that her late husband has left her destitute. 

What readers are saying about The Captain and Mrs. Vye:

"MaryAnn Diorio not only has the ability to describe her characters' outward appearances, but precisely describes their hearts, emotions, motives, and attitudes. This enabled me to identify with some of the characters to the extent that I felt God speaking to my own heart." ~ Chris S.

To order a copy for yourself or for Christmas gift-giving, click on a link below:




When Sonia Pettit's daughter goes missing for seven years, she faces losing her family, her faith, and her mind.

What readers are saying about A Christmas Homecoming:

"Think of it as a Hallmark movie with so much conflict you are not sure how the author can pull it all together that then culminates win an ending so happy your eyes are filled with tears of joy. And all wrapped up in a nice holiday package on Christmas Day." ~ Rose McCauley, Author

"Sometimes you just want a short, easy read that makes you feel all cozy inside. A Christmas Homecoming is a cup of hot cocoa for the heart."
Amazon Reviewer



MIRACLE AT MADVILLE: A Storybook for Children

A sad and sorrowful princess discovers the greatest power of all.




Just click on the book cover to order.

Three Special Books by Three Special Friends . . . 
(Click on book cover to purchase.)


November was filled with the forging of special memories for our family. Our eleven-year-old grandson was officially inducted into the Philadelphia Boys Choir and received his red blazer. We are so very proud of him. He worked very hard to achieve this great honor

We also had the privilege of a wonderful visit from my brother and sister-in-law who live in Brazil. We don't get to see them that often, so the time we spent with them during the Thanksgiving holiday was extra special.

Another happy event: Our grandchldren participated in a heartwarming, school Christmas concert in which my nine-year-old granddaughter had a solo. 

Finally, I celebrated my 77th birthday on November 11th with my wonderful husvand, my daughter Lia and son-in-law Peter, and six of my seven grandchildren. 

We thank God for the forging of many happy memories.


My latest novel, The Captain and Mrs. Vye, was released on the first of this month. This book started out only as a title, and nothing more. One day, the title just popped into my head.

I am the kind of author who needs a title before I start writing a book. The title serves as a guideline for me. But when I received the title for The Captain and Mrs. Vye, I had no clue what the story was about. 

So, I do what I always do when I face a writing challenge: I prayed. I asked the Lord to give me the story of His heart. And, as always, He did.

I started thinking about Mrs. Vye and began asking questions of her.  Who are you? What is your greatest fear? What is your biggest dream? What wound are you hiding from the past?

As I asked Mrs. Vye these questions, she began to tell me about herself. And as I learned more and more about her, her story emerged.

To the non-author, this may seem like a strange way to write a novel. But to the novelist, characters are real people. So, just as I get to know a person by asking them questions, so do I get to know my characters by asking them questions.

The Captain and Mrs. Vye is Book 1 of my projected series titled The Wives of Old Cape May. All the stories will be set in Cape May, New Jersey, during the latter part of the 1800s.

I've already begun working on Book 2. So stay tuned for more details as the new year begins.

You can get your copy of The Captain and Mrs. Vye by clicking on the link below.


Love and Blessings,



In celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, I would like to give you this free animation of my children's book Who Is Jesus?  Please share it with the children in your life this Christmas season.

WHO IS JESUS? Animated Video

If you'd like a hardcover copy of the book to give as a Christmas gift, you can purchase it here;

WHO IS JESUS? Hardcover Book


Happy Places are places in my home or in my travels that make me happy. Here are two of my favorites:

1) My Writing Studio
2) My favorite local park where my husband and I frequently take walks.

Send me pictures of your happy places, and I will post them in a future newsletter


This Happy Place belongs to Reader Team Member Sandy Marrongelli. Sandy filled this fillable lamp base with her special collection of seashells, Isn't it beautiful? Thank you, Sandy, for sharing one of your Happy Places! 



Check out my new line of notebooks with covers featuring my art and photography.

You will find lined notebooks and blank sketchbooks. Just go to the link below:

MaryAnn's Original Notebook Designs

You will find a wide variety of notebooks from which to choose.  

YOUR TURN . . . 

As we approach 2023, I want to be sure I am meeting your reading needs and serving you well. To that end, I would be grateful to receive your valuable input regarding this newsletter. 

__What do you like best about this newsletter?
__What do you like least?
__What suggestions do you have for improving it?

Send your comments to me at 

Thanks and Blessings!


The Recipe Rack . . . 

Each year at Christmas, I like to post my paternal grandmother's delicious Christmas dessert. In Italy, they are called Strufoli (with the accent on the first syllable). Here in the States, we call them Honey Balls.

I hope you have lots of fun making them with your family, and even more fun eating them! :)

(aka Honey Balls)
(from the kitchen of my paternal Sicialian grandmother)


__1 tablespoon sugar
__1 teaspoon grated lemon peel
__1 teaspoon vanilla
__1/2 teaspoon salt
__4 eggs
__2 1 /2 cups flour
__Oil for frying
__1 cup honey
__Candy sprinkles or jimmies


__In a mixing bowl, combine sugar, lemon peel, vanilla, and salt.
__Add eggs and 2 cups flour; mix well.
__Turn onto a floured surface and knead in remaining flour (dough will be soft).
__With a floured knife, cut into 20 pieces.
__With hands, roll each piece into a cylinder about 1/2 to 3/4 inch diameter.

__Cut each cylinder into 1/2 inch pieces.
__In a large skillet, heat oil to 350º.

__Fry pieces, a few at a time, for 2 minutes per side or until golden brown.
__Drain on paper towels.
__Place in a large bowl.

__Heat honey to boiling; pour over balls and mix well.
__With a slotted spoon, spoon onto a serving platter and slowly mound into a tree shape, if desired.
__Decorate with candy sprinkles.
__Allow to cool. 

Yield: about 15 dozen. ENJOY!

Merry Christmas!

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All Rights Reserved.

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"You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You."

__Isaiah 26: 3 NKJV

MaryAnn Diorio Books

PO Box 1185
Merchantville, NJ 08109
United States