UPDATE: Newsletter Link Button Corrected
Hello Scouters of Historic District! Below is the link to the August edition of SCOUT CONNECT, Historic District's newsletter, and it's loaded with information! If you know a fellow Scouter who isn't receiving this email, please have them contact us at ScoutConnect330@gmail.com.
Roundtable is Tuesday, August 13th at the Autin17 House, Route 125, Brentwood. This month we start our new format!
6:30PM - Fellowship (ICE CREAM SOCIAL THIS MONTH) 7:00PM - Opening 8:15PM - Closing
Every unit should plan on sending at least one representative this month as we are talking about the STATEWIDE JOINING NIGHT and Making The Most Of Your Popcorn Sales! (Our traditional Cub Scout and Scouts BSA Breakout Session resume in September.)