Walking the Land Newsletter June 2020 View in browser
Mother Earth Sacred Sites Global Event June 1 through June 5, 2020

Hello Everyone!

You are receiving this email because you had either participated in the recent Portals to Spiritual Awakening and Finding Your Heart’s Desire seminar and signed up for my Raffelcopter contest or showed a general interest in the topic. For those who attended the workshop, I want to thank you for your interest in Walking the Land and watching my presentation on communication with trees and using the Vesica Piscis symbol. I’m looking forward to feedback from you as you try it out and see what it does for you. Let me know what your experience was and any questions you might have. You can reach me at walkingtheland8@gmail.com

My monthly email newsletter will share valuable information with you in support of your own experiences as you walk, hike, or visit a particular place. I value questions from people hungry to connect with Mother Earth or who have something they want to share with others. You can always unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time. The list of people’s emails will NEVER be sold or shared with anyone else.

I also invite you to read my Walking the Land blog. Once a month, I will cover various metaphysical topics. We are continually expanding the site so, please frequently visit to see what is new. Another avenue to learn more about my daily walking the land adventures is to join my Facebook page.

The Book
Walking the Land

More in-depth information on connecting with the land is available in my book Walking the Land, a primer for those who want to connect deeply with Mother Earth and all her relations. It took me seven years to write this book, and it is the book of my heart because it brings together everything I’ve learned in seventy-four years of living and interfacing with Nature/Mother Earth. It is available on most platforms (except Google) as an ebook. If you would like the paperback, it is available at Amazon.

Barnes & Noble
Apple Books

I hope you’ll stick around, share your personal experiences with me, and I’ll do my best to give you feedback based upon my experiences. That is the best way to learn. We’re all in this together. We have one planet, and we must learn to honor all life with respect and equality. Mitakuye Oyasin. We are all related.

Eileen/Ai Gvhdi Waya

Blue Turtle Publishing

Arizona, United States


You received this email because you signed up for one of my regularly featured contests or on my website.
