Go for the gold with Olympic sized fun! View in browser
The 2020 Summer Olympics are coming to your house!

Even though the official summer Olympics have been postponed until 2021, your family can have some athletic fun and learn a bit of geography at the same time!


  • Morning - Learn about the earliest Olympics and study ancient Greece. Find Greece on a map. Make a torch, and pass it around your yard, relay race style. 
  • Afternoon - Make olive leaf crowns while listening to the great Greek epic tale, The Odyssey (for boys and girls).  
  • Evening - Try a greek inspired meal or treat. Try to view an open air performance tonight, or this week, or let your kids perform skits based on greek myths. 


  • Morning - Introduce the modern olympic games. Focus on a few countries in particular. Locate them on a map, and look up their flag. Watch the part of the opening ceremonies where all the countries come in and the torch is lit. Create flags and make your own parade of countries outside. 
  • Afternoon - Listen to the national anthems of your favorite countries and watch a medal ceremony. Where could you set up a medal stand in your house or back yard? **Or try Exercise Around The World: Explore The Geographical Roots of Fitness through Movement by Beth Learn
  • Evening - Buy frozen food from other countries and have an Olympic village buffet. Before diner, each family member should pick three clues from one country, and then during the meal, everyone can try to figure out where all the "Olympians" at their table are from. **Before bed listen to Around the World Stories, audio book service


  • Morning - Meet some saints who were also athletes. Pick one and learn some more about their favorite athletic activities, then get outside and practice!
  • Afternoon - Meet some famous athletes who happen to be Catholic.  St. Sebastian is the patron saint of athletes. Learn more about him here and color him in. Sword fights are also in order as he is also the patron saint of soldiers. 
  • Evening - Try to get outside and find a rosary garden for everyone to walk through and enjoy. Ask for the intercession of any new favorite saints you learned about today. 


Friday- Family Olympics 

  •  Set up your home arena, bring in some judges, and let the games begin! Invite another family or some close friends to compete as well. 

These books recommendations are perfect for any day of the week. 

    **These starred resources are part of the 2020 Ultimate Homemaking Bundle, and while they're not essential to your summer camp's success, they could be a great bonus. This year's Homemaking Bundle contains more than 52 products created to make caring for your home and family easier than ever. The entire bundle is worth more than $1,298.36, but right now it’s less than $30 to pick up your own copy. But you have to act fast —this sale only lasts until Friday, June 26th. If you want help re-establishing routine, order, and ultimately joy in your home after everything that’s been going on, The Ultimate Homemaking Bundle can help. Click below to learn more and get your bundle today!

    Learn more!
    This Ain't the Lyceum

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