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AFS 國際文化交流 2019年7-8月通訊
AFS Hong Kong Newsletter (July - August 2019)

最新動向 / NEWS

2020-21 海外交流計劃第一場講座 / 1st Info Seminar for 2020-21 Overseas Exchange Program

2020-21 海外交流計劃即將於8月開始報名了! 今年的第一場講座亦定於 8月17日(六) 在AFS灣仔辦事處舉辦,期間除了計劃介紹、經驗分享,我們的職員也會解答你關於計劃的所有問題。如果你有意了解新一年的計劃,請即點撃以下按鈕,查看講座詳情及報名! 別忘了分享連結給你身邊的朋友!

Application for 2020-21 overseas exchange programs will start on August! We are also going to host the first info seminar on August 17th (Sat) at AFS Wan Chai office. Apart from program detail and experience sharing, our staff will also answer all the questions you have. If you are interested in knowing more about our programs, please click the following button, view the seminar details and register now! Don't forget to share the link with your friends!

參加講座 / Join the Seminar

成為 2019-20 AFS接待家庭! / Become 2019-20 AFS Host Family!

如果你不是中學生,無法參與海外交流計劃,卻想體驗文化交流,成為AFS接待家庭吧! 今年來自世界各地的接待交流生將於八月底抵港,目前我們仍然需要接待家庭! 如果你希望為自己的家庭生活注入新的元素,帶來正面改變,現在就致電 2802 0383 與我們聊一聊吧! 也可以點撃以下按鈕填寫表格查詢!

If you are not a secondary school student and could not join our overseas exchange programs now, there is still a way to experience intercultural exchanges! This year host students from all over the world will arrive at Hong Kong at the end of August, and now we still need host families! If you wish to bring positive changes to your family life, call 2802 0383 now and have a chat with us! Or click the following button to fill in the inquiry form!

2017-18 AFS香港年報出版了 / 2017-18 AFS Hong Kong Annual Report is Released!

最新的AFS香港年報出版了! 年報上除了有2017-18交流計劃及財政概況,更有海外交流故事、接待家庭故事、義工故事等等。感謝過往一年以獎學金方式幫助香港學生的公司及機構,還有以其他不同方式支持AFS的學校、公司和義工! 

The latest AFS Hong Kong annual report is released! On the report there are not just 2017-18 program and financial overview, but also overseas exchange stories, host family stories and volunteer stories. Big thanks to all the companies and organizations that helped Hong Kong students in the past year by providing scholarship! We also greatly appreciate schools, companies and volunteers for their support to AFS!

成為接待家庭 / Become a Host Family
閱讀年報 / Read the Annual Report

準備成為AFS獎學金贊助人! / Get Ready to Be an AFS Scholarship Sponsor! 

你願意支持更多香港學生參加AFS一年交流計劃嗎? 除了企業慷慨贊助的獎學金,我們也於今年開始推行自己的獎學金計劃。一星期後,我們將以電郵方式與大家分享新的贊助機會,希望各位AFSers也能參與其中,記得留意了!

Are you willing to support more Hong Kong students to join AFS year exchange program? In additional to the scholarship opportunities that are generously funded by corporate, we also started our own scholarship this year. A week later we will share the new sponsorship opportunities with you all and we hope you could also participate in it! Stay tuned!

歡迎新同事! / Welcome New Staff!

歡迎新同事Noelle Yip加入AFS香港團隊! Noelle曾經擔任社工,目前剛成為我們的支援及義工經理,負責支援出外交流及在港的交流生,還有義工發展。因此,日後各位AFSers應該會有不少機會遇到Noelle!

Welcome new staff Noelle Yip to join the AFS Hong Kong team! Noelle was a social worker and now she is our new Support and Volunteer Manager. Her role is mainly on supporting overseas exchange students and host students in Hong Kong, also volunteer development. Therefore, you should have many chances to meet Noelle soon! 


Matthew (Germany / 德國, 2003-04)




'I still remember that I saw the vice-principal and 2 more interviewers soon after I entered the room. Actually the interview at Li Po Chun United World College is the first interview in my life, but interestingly I were not nervous or shy, instead I kept on sharing my thoughts and experience. It is because I were just returned from Germany at that time and very used to talking and sharing stories with strangers.'

Until now Matthew still remembers his first interview in life. The interviewers asked what did he learn in Germany right away, which gave him a great opportunity to express his thoughts on the topic of East and West Germany. Soon he was informed by the college that he was accepted.

'The year exchange program brought me a lot of experiences and stories that Hong Kong secondary school students normally would not have. ' Matthew's AFS experience often makes him stand out from the crowd, which even helped him in applying for university in the US later.

準備好迎接改變一生的經歷? 希望參加AFS海外交流計劃?
立即致電2802 0383與我們聯絡!

Ready to have a life-changing experience? Interested to join our overseas exchange programs?  
Call 2802 0383 to contact us!


Johnny’s Family & Esther (法國接待交流生 / French host student, 2018-19)

記得去年Johnny和Halo一家曾經跟我們分享過剛成為接待家庭的感受嗎? 一年過後,他們跟法國交流生Esther的感情變得更好了! 在Esther的畢業典禮上,Halo甚至上台分享了今年的難忘經歷及感動時刻,一起來看看吧!

Do you remember that Johnny and Halo's family shared their feeling as a first-time host family last year? After one year, their relationship with French host student Esther is even closer! On Esther's graduation ceremony, Halo even came on stage and shared her memorable experiences in this year. Let's take a look! 

有興趣接待外國交流生? 立即填寫申請表格!

Wish to welcome a foreign exchange student to your home? Fill in the application form by clicking the following button!

成為接待家庭 / Become a Host Family

活動背後 / Behind the Scenes

2018-19 接待交流生畢業典禮 / Host Student Graduation

今年的接待交流生畢業典禮已在6月15日順利舉行! 其實,除了主持大局的AFS職員Regina之外,這次活動還得超過20位義工的協助。從主持、攝影、技術支援,到安排舞台流程、準備餐飲、管理接待處及拍照區,全部由他們一手包辦! 感謝所有義工願意在星期六抽出時間,並花了不少心思,幫助我們把這個活動辦得精彩!

The graduation ceremony of our host students this year was successfully held on 15th June! In fact, apart from our staff Regina who is the event-in-charge, we have more than 20 volunteers participated in the event! They offered great helps like being the host or photographer, giving technical support, managing the stage performance, preparing refreshment, managing the reception and photo booth! Thank you all for spending time on a Saturday and all the great efforts you made for the event! 

準備好加入AFS的義工團隊? 立即填寫申請表格!

Ready to be our volunteer? Fill in the application form by clicking the following button!

成為義工 / Become a Volunteer


2019/04/26 - 05/01│4位義工參與跨文化學習訓練 / 4 Volunteers Participated in Intercultural Learning Training

為了讓交流計劃參加者可以更有系統地了解與AFS相關既文化概念,AFS International發展了一套跨文化學習課程。在四月底,我們有4位學生招募組及支援組義工Joyce, Kam, Kelly, Sean完成在馬來西亞舉行的進階工作坊,他們會將學到的一切帶回香港,與現有的義工導師一起改進我們的計劃導向會與義工訓練! 期待我們下一次的Level W跨文化學習工作坊吧!

To help program participants in understanding all AFS related cultural concepts, AFS International developed an intercultural learning curriculum. At the end of April, 4 recruitment team and support team volunteers Joyce, Kam, Kelly and Sean participated in an advanced workshop in Malaysia. We look forward to the new insights they will bring into our program orientations and volunteer training! Stay tuned for our next level w intercultural learning workshop!

2019/05/25AFS義工 x 理事會成員 x 職員聚會 / Volunteer x Board Member x Staff Gathering

為了討論未來AFS香港的發展策略,我們在五月底舉辦了一場難得的聚會,邀請了各義工隊伍組長與理事會成員一起參與。感謝大家踴躍表達意見,還有帶領討論的Penny,引導我們思考如何將想法轉化成行動! 讓我們未來一起努力,令更多香港學生有機會參與AFS計劃,並從中得到最多收獲!

At the end of May we had an exciting opportunity to discuss the strategy for future development of AFS Hong Kong with volunteer team leaders and board members! Thank you every participant for joining the discussion actively! Penny, who was our facilitator also helped us in turning ideas into action items! Let's us all work together to provide more exchange opportunities to Hong Kong students and help them to get the most out of the experience!

2019/06/152018-19 接待交流生畢業典禮 / Host Student Graduation

我們畢業了! 今年的接待交流生畢業典禮約有130位來賓及義工參加,交流生也準備了精彩表演,感謝他們的接待家庭及支援義工,並與大家分享今年的經歷及學習。相信在香港生活一年後,來自各國的交流生已成長不少,希望今年的經歷能對他們之後的人生有所幫助!

We graduated! About 130 guests and volunteers joined the host student graduation this year. Our host students also prepared wonderful performance as a way to show appreciation to their host families and support volunteers, also to share their experience and learning during the year. We are sure that host students have many takeaways from this year and we hope that this experience will help them in the future!

更多照片 / More Photos

海外交流計劃活動 / Sending Program Events

踏入暑假,我們的交流生也開始陸續出發了! 為了幫助他們做好準備,我們過去兩個月舉辦了不同國家的簽證簡介會,還有為所有參加者及其家人而設的出發前座談會。我們學生招募組的義工也十分忙碌,正在積極籌辦暑假期間兩個大型導向營!

Stepping into summer, our exchange students are starting to depart! To better prepare them for the experience, we hosted visa briefing for different countries in the the past 2 months, also pre-departure orientation for all participants and their families. Our recruitment team volunteers were also very busy in preparing for the 2 large scale orientation camps in summer!

接待計劃活動 / Hosting Program Events


All host students this year departed from Hong Kong on 23rd June! Before they leave, an end-of-stay orientation was hosted to help them re-adapting to the life back home. We also hosted different gatherings for our host families and support volunteers to share their wonderful experience! We hope to see you all again next year!

不想再錯過精彩的AFS活動? 請留意我們的社交網站!
Follow us on social media so that you won't miss the next awesome AFS activity!

Copyright © 2019 AFS Intercultural Exchanges. All rights reserved. 

AFS Intercultural Exchanges 
is an international, voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization which has been dedicated to promoting international exchange activities for decades.

Our mailing address is: 
8/f, Shun Feng International Centre,
182 Queen's Road East, 
Wanchai, Hong Kong
