The PACTS, International Newsletter
Friday, June 9, 2023
********************************************************* PO Box 1925 | Twentynine Palms, CA 92277 |
Contact number: 1-888-639-5559
Today's issue was unavoidably late and running into Saturday. I could not even start the newsletter until after 6 PM Pacific and it usually takes up to 5 - 6 hours to complete. Then as it got later, I had to rest and sleep for a while due to exhaustion, so it is now 2:41 AM Pacific as I type this.
This has been an unusual week with the breakdown of yet another printer and accelerated targeting scenarios. Everyone's targeting has ramped up lately, possibly due to so many successful activism projects running at this time and the imminent exposure of this horrific holocaust that could happen at any moment.
More TIs are being slaughtered as well, as you will see from the postings below. Please hang on, everyone. And for those who pray, keep praying like never before. As the saying goes, "it's always darkest before the dawn."
TIME: 7 PM Pacific LOCATION: On Zoom
For more information contact Scott Cranmer at:
I am starting a group called "When You Pray" every Monday 10 a.m. EST on Zoom. .
Introduction to the study starts this Monday, June 12th. We will be studying from the workbook "When You Pray."
Mtg. I.D. 860 6902 5039 Passcode: 059335.
Those interested may contact: Barb Hyseni. 267-709-0984.
Those interested in participating in a support group for New Jersey may reach out to Ken Posner at: 732-779-1132.
For those who have been wondering what they could possibly do to improve our situation, Rosanne Schneider has compiled a handy activism task list which can be found at the following link:
Thanks to those who are participating in our ongoing community survey. We hope to get up to about 500 respondents before completing the project. We are up to around 268 at this time. So thanks again for all who have participated and to those that plan to.
The most current published results can be viewed at the link below.
Click here to view PACTS International's current Community Survey Results
To participate in our community survey, please click on the link below.
PACTS, International Community Survey
Also thanks to those of you who have started the process of receiving our PACTS' Validation Letter.
To receive a copy of the Validation Letter, you will need to contact Scott Cranmer at:
Liza Carlile, TI, has passed away. We give our condolences to her husband, Steve Goldsmith. A few TIs spoke with Steve, and he believes 100% the perps are behind it, either directly through years of weakening her body through directed energy, or directly through giving her a heart attack. She often used to say “they are attacking my heart.” Steve said she was very brave and spoke out against the crime and in defense of TIs. She died quickly and in bed overnight, Thursday, June 1, 2023. Liza's FB: (20+) Facebook LIZA GOLDSMITH; Steve's FB: (20+) Facebook STEVE GOLDSMITH
Robert was known for his helmet loaded with magnets and other shielding products he had invented. Here is what someone wrote in our Facebook Support Group who talked to his wife recently: "His wife said the autopsy was inconclusive. He was headed to Alaska. She said he had been being hit hard. His legs and ankles were very swollen. She asked him not to leave. He didn't listen. He rented a Uhaul., left from Oceanside California. He made it to Yosemite. There has been a lot of flooding due to snow melting. He had stopped in a beautiful spot and was resting. She said his copper grounding mat was found outside the Uhaul on the ground. I guess he was found by police. They had to break the window to get to him. She said when she went to identify him the mortician gave her his body armor that he always wore under his clothing., which is weird because he was shielded. It's so very tragic."
Robert's obituary can be found at this link: Robert Stanson's obituary
With so many passing so quickly, it is becoming increasingly urgent that we need one or more persons to form a committee to keep track of all those who have passed, particularly if we are called upon by Congress to testify. Those numbers and demographics will be essential. Those that could volunteer for this vital committee, please reply to this email or write to: Thank you!
"The Human Rights Council Advisory Committee seeks the views and inputs from stakeholders, including Member States, international and regional organizations, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, the special procedures of the Human Rights Council, the treaty bodies, other relevant United Nations agencies, funds and programmes within their respective mandates, national human rights institutions, civil society, the private sector, medical and technical communities, academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders, in order to prepare a study on the impact, opportunities and challenges of neurotechnology with regard to the promotion and protection of all human rights..."
Link for more information: Call for inputs for the study of the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee on neurotechnology and human rights
Due: July 2, 2023
Hello all
Spring has brought us a new face or two to the RV park. I am now looking for a few more good people for the TI-only RV park .
This will not happen overnight. I can only take one or two more people and I will be checking with people and on people …. In the past we had a few people who thought there were magical powers and force fields over the property. Unfortunately this is untrue. I can offer a place to live next to another TI who is dealing with issues, too.
This park is to help stop neighboring people from messing with TI s. And to be supportive to other TIs when possible in a residential setting. So with that said …
It’s hot in Texas …You have to want to live in Texas. A vehicle for transportation is very important. We are in the country. Financial support for yourself and amenities: Rent Food etc… is a must ….
Thank God…. I have found someone who can help maintain some stuff around the place.
Calm, easy-going ….people please.
God bless, More peace in 2023 Carl
"I would welcome other Ti s to Texas if they want to live near other ‘Tis. I have room for up to six Ti s who don’t mind living in a camper of their own. I am basically charging them lot rent of $399/ month for utilities - water sewer etc. if you have your own camper. $599/ month if you want to rent one.
The property is isolated and in the country.... 15 miles away to two different cities ...1 hour from ocean or San Antonio. No buses or public transportation. But it’s quiet here and I am easy going as well.
Drama people not needed. Everyone should be easy going and calm we could meet once a week and talk to ease some of our issues as it’s always the isolation game with our perps not wanting us to talk to anyone but them.
For more information, please contact: Carl
This campaign is being initiated by Targeted UK and was sent by Alison Smith. It promotes persistent community outreach to the media so that they begin to write articles and publicize our plight. Here is the link to view the start of this campaign:
Targeted UK - Breakthrough to the media !
International Demonstration for Targeted Individuals
There will be an international demonstration for Targeted Individuals at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium on June 10, 2023.
For those that would like to attend, please review the invitation from Mojmir Babacek: after this picture.
We invite you to the international demonstration against harmfull effects of electromagnetic radiation on human body and mind in Brussels in front of the European parliament on June 10 2023 since noon. Below and In the attachments you will find the text explaining the purpose of the demonstration and the recommended banners and signs. This invitation is signed by 11 organizations, which you will find at the of the invitation text below. (Can we add more organizations signatures?)
Samuel Koslov, a leading personality of American Navy's project Pandora and researcher at the John Hopkins University, in his closing speech at the conference on Nonlinear Electrodynamics in Biological Systems in 1983, said that the conference had proven that the external electric fields can ”become a key to the cellular control ... The implications, social, economic, and even military are enormous... it may be not less significant to the nation than the prospects that faced the physics community in 1939 when the long-time predicted fissionability of the nucleus was actually demonstrated“. People did not really know what he was talking about until today, since much of it is classified and used in weapons research.
The human body is full of electrical and electromagnetic events and therefore can be controlled by electromagnetic radiation, which can have benign as well as harmful effects on its states. It may control even such events as is cell division or activity of neurons . The publication of the World Health Organization on the effects of electromagnetic radiation on living organisms from 1981 gives many examples of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the excretion of glands, chemical composition of blood, molecules of DNA and genetics .
Out of 542 scientific experiments around the world, 483 proved that electromagnetic radiation produces in living organisms oxidative stress Time_for_a_Paradigm_Shift_in_Regulation_of_Public_Exposure, which according to scientists can contribute to the rise of more than 50 illnesses
In the Czech Republic since 1985 (when the use of microwaves started growing) until 2016, the occurrence of cancer disease grew by 141% , the number of people ill with diabetes grew by 366% since 1975 until 2015 ,the number of people ill with Alzheimer disease grew by 38% in five years since 2014 to 2019 and world wide the occurrence of autism grew by 5000% between 1975 and 2015 percentage-children-autism-climbing/11156966002/ . According to scientific research all of those illnesses can be produced by oxidative stress . It is highly logical to find out that there is a coincidence between rapidly growing density of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere and rapidly growing occurrence of illnesses which can be caused by oxidative stress produced by electromagnetic radiation.Come to protest against the unwillingness of governments to protect people against harmfull effects of electromagnetic radiation!
The electromagnetic radiation can single cells, as well as synchronized activity of masses of neurons in the brain.
In 2021 the International Bioethics Committee (IBC) of UNESCO wrote: „External tools that may interfere with our decisions can call into question, or even challenge, an individual's free will, and consequently an individual's responsibilities. In this way, neurotechnology could affect freedom of thought, decision-making and action. Taken together, these could have a profound impact on justice systems and social organizations" (pg. 36). At the end of the article IBC encourages its member states „to guarantee neurorights to their citizens" (pg.38) .
The activity of human brains and bodies can be manipulated by electromagnetic waves, since electric currents are key factors of neural and muscle activity. As early as 1962 sounds were produced in human brains by microwaves pulsed in the frequencies of the nervous activity of the human auditory systems . In 2007, the Washington Post wrote: „in October 1994 at the Air Force laboratory... scientists were able to transmit sentences into the heads of human subjects, albeit with marginal intelligibility" . In 2020, the American Academy of Sciences wrote in the report on attacks of American diplomats in Cuba and China, well known as the Havana syndrome, that the most likely cause of their problems was directed pulsed radiofrequency waves. It is well known that these attacks are accompanied by artificially produced acoustic hallucinations. Those events suggest that pulsed microwaves are being used as a weapon already today. As a matter of fact, if human speech is converted into ultrasound and then into pulsed microwaves or extra- long electromagnetic waves, a human being will perceive them as his own thoughts.
On October 7, 2022, twenty three countries signed a document requiring "the Advisory Committee of the Human Rights Council (of the United Nations Organization) to prepare a study... on the impact, opportunities and challenges of neurotechnology with regard to the promotion and protection of all human rights". They made that request : "Bearing in mind that neurotechnology allows the connecting of the human brain directly to digital networks through devices and procedures that may be used, among other things, to access, monitor and manipulate the neural system of the person" .
In September 2021, the Chilean Parliament approved a law guaranteeing Chilean citizens the rights to personal identity, free will and mental privacy . Major world media did not report on this event, thus proving that technologies enabling remote control of human brains are actually classified . Evidently it is now an urgent task for the world governments to follow the Chilean example and prove that they are not planning to transform their states into totalitarian states where the elite turn citizens into bio-robots, controlled by supercomputers. There are thousands of people worldwide, who complain about being exposed to deprivation of freedom of thought and torture by electromagnetic waves.
The current legislations protecting human rights must be updated to cover the new threats provided by advances in neurotechnology. They should secure the creation of teams capable of detecting electromagnetic or other types of attacks which produce electrical currents in the human brain or body, depriving people of their freedom of thought and privacy or injuring their bodies. Teams which governments should create, should also be able to find sources of harmful radiation and perpetrators of the neurotechnological attacks and should include representatives of human rights organizations, to ensure independence of those teams from powerful state agencies. Otherwise the future of mankind will have no respect for human rights and will be controlled by manipulators of human minds, emotions and bodily functions. This manipulation could be executed by the secret services of foreign or home governments or even criminals, using directed pulsed microwaves, cell phone transmissions (the 5G radiation is planned to be omnipresent), or electrical grids to produce electromagnetic waves in the frequencies of human brains or by manipulating the ionosphere to produce extra-long electromagnetic waves in the brain frequencies like the U.S. radar system HAARP (item 30) (operation of this facility was transferred from the United States Air Force to the University of Alaska in Fairbanks on Aug. 11, 2015) or by the Russian radar system SURA. China is acutally building its own, more advanced, system .
In 1994 the Strategic Studies Institute at the U.S. Army War College wrote: ”Potential or possible supporters of the insurgency around the world were identified using the comprehensive Interagency Integrated Database. These were categorized as ”potential” or ”active”, with sophisticated personality simulations used to develop, tailor and focus psychological campaigns for each” (pg. 24-25).
For more information on this subject see :„Psychoelectronic threat to democracy“ .
Signed byMojmír Babáček for Spolek za zákaz manipulace lidsko nervové soustavy radiofrekvenčním zářením
Czech Republic Harald Brems for Schutzschild e.V.
Germany Richard Lighthouse for Targeted Justice
United States Saroja Angadi MS.MT(ASCP), PMP for Society of safe Bharath against covert torture and energy weapons
Peter Mooring for STOPEG Foundation (STOP Electronic weapons and Gangstalking)
Netherlands Melanie Vritschan for International Coalition Against Electronic Torture and Robotization of Living Beings (ICATOR)
Derrick Robinson for PACTS, International
United States Terukatsu Ishibashi for the Board of Directors of Technological Crime Victims Network
Japan Stéphane Mille for ADVHER (Association de Defense des Victimes de Harcélement Electromagnétique et en Réseau)
Paolo Dorigo for ACOFOINMENEF (association against all forms of mental and neurophysiological interference and control) Italy Giuseppe Palmieri for MOVIMENTO AMPIO CONTRO LA TORTURA TECNOLOGICA PSICOLOGICA E MENTALE
Italy Mikael Eleman for Föreningen för hjärnans integritet i Sverige
Sweden Zofia Filipiak for
Stowarzyszenie STOP Zorganizowanym Elektronicznym Torturom
Stanislav Kalinovsky for Stop-torture, Canada
Canada Alicia Cruz Sánchez
If you are looking for shielding products and more, here is the link for our PACTS online SuperStore:
World Tek Shielding & Survival Solutions
Radia Smart EMF Protection Scar & TriField EMF Meter Model TF2 |
(Click on the pictures to view and/or purchase items)
Radia Smart EMF Protection Scarf, RF Blocking, 5G Blocking, Anti-radiation protection, multi uses $68.87
It is super comfortable and soft is well designed for any women and men who need protection from electromagnetic radiation.
1. EMF RADIATION SHIELD FOR WOMEN AND MEN. Radia Smart Shielding Scarf blocks radiation from cell phones, WIFI, Bluetooth, 5G, laptops effectively. It is tested by accredited lab. Protect you and minimise your EMF exposure.
2. COVER AND PROTECT YOUR HEAD, EARS AND BODY. Radia Smart shielding Scarf is well designed to protect your head from radio frequency (microwave/wireless) radiation from WIFI routers, cell towers, mobile and cordless phones.
3. HIGH EFFICIENCY. Efficiency: 99.9% Shielding Effectiveness (~50dB). Tested by accredited lab.
4. ONE SIZE FIT IT ALL. It is well designed to fit most of women and men.
5. PEACE OF MIND. Reduce your concerns on wireless radiation from cell phones, WIFI, laptops, Bluetooth, 5G. The hood provides RF Shielding with edge to edge protection underneath the cotton polyester.
TriField EMF Meter Model TF2 $199.00
The TriField EMF Meter Model TF2
is an AC gaussmeter, AC electric field meter, and radio power density meter in a single unit, that combines all the features needed for fast, accurate measurements of electromagnetic fields (EMF). In addition to standard AC measurement modes, a special frequency weighted mode will properly scale the magnetic and electric measurements to indicate the full magnitude of currents produced by each type of field inside the human body.
Features:Detects all three types of EMF pollution: AC magnetic, AC electric, and RF/microwaveSpecial frequency weighting mode for measuring electric current from EMF in the human bodyAC Magnetic Mode covers 40 Hz – 100 kHz with range of 0.1 – 100.0 milligauss (mG)AC Electric Mode covers 40 Hz – 100 kHz with range of 1 – 1000 volts per meter (V/m)RF Mode covers 20 MHz – 6 GHz with range of 0.001 – 19.999 milliwatts per square meter (mW/m2)AC magnetic measurements are 3-axis, allowing for quick readings, regardless of meter orientationLarge liquid-crystal display (LCD) for crystal clear, accurate readingsAdjustable backlight for use in low-light environmentsAudio Indicator emits sound that helps to pinpoint EMF sourcesPeak Hold captures fast pulses, for measuring fast digital signalsOperates for more than 20 hours on a 9V battery, with a low battery indicator.
Project Soul Catcher and How to Tame a Demon by Robert Duncan |
Project: Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed – signed ( with positive affirmations ) By Robert Duncan - $25.00
This book explores and exposes the greatest atrocity being committed against humankind today AND NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT - THAT IS, UNTIL THIS BOOK! As this book describes in detail, the greatest threat to all persons is the little known or discussed weapons of mass destruction (WMD), also known to some as Directed Energy Weapons, Microwave Weapons, Neurological Weapons, brain to computer interfacing, or Silent Assassination Through Adapted Neural-networks (SATAN), etc. Dr. Robert Duncan has bravely come forward as a pioneer in trailblazing this cause to make known the covert governments global abuses of the WMD's, as they brazenly practice the development of these WMD's onto nonconsensual human subjects, torturing them - often to death, without mercy. This will go down in history as an unprecedented menticide and genocide of various cross sections of a diverse global demographic. Dr. Robert Duncan, is ahead of his time, and the whole world owes him a debt of gratitude for his unfathomable courage in exposing this, the greatest crime in human history.” – Amazon
How to Tame a Demon: A Short Practical Guide to Organized Intimidation Stalking, Electronic Torture, and Mind Control by Robert Duncan - Signed $17.00
“This self-help book is useful for people who have been brought into a secret government program often described as MKUltra or Monarch mind control programming. The programs have hundreds of purposes and has continued under many budgets and secret project names in the pursuit of the ultimate war weapon and political control.” – Amazon
All orders within the USA will be shipped via USPS Priority Mail with tracking. PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT YOUR NAME AND SHIPPING ADDRESS ARE INCLUDED WITH YOUR PAY PAL PAYMENT.
If you are an International customer and would like to purchase this book please contact Jax at for shipping costs to your country before purchase. You then purchase this book using the "Buy Now" button and you send the shipping costs to Jax separately. She will be responsible for shipping your book.
The following activities are happening in our community during the month of JUNE:
If you would like to list your event here, please send an email to:
10 AM Eastern time - led by Barb Hyseni - 267-709-0984
JUNE 14 - LOS ANGELES TI MEETING LOCATION: On Zoom For more information, please contact: Scott Cranmer at:
JUNE 24 - PORTLAND, OREGON TI MEETING Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM Hollywood Branch Library of Multnomah County 4040 NE Tillamook, Portland Oregon For more information, please cantact: Amy at: 971-207-3401
Although I do not charge for the newsletter, it requires many hours of intensive work and if this information is of some value for you, a much-needed tip for the time and effort is appreciated. Thank you!
Featured from YouTube
Artificial Intelligence Learned
to Read Your Mind
The views expressed in this section are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of PACTS, International.
(Shielding information)
For some reason that I have not determined, I have been targeted with dew and frequency weapons in my home. For 14 months, I have suffered this horrible situation, and I have kept myself as protected as I could. But... recently, I was able to piece together an approach to disable dew/freq devices in my home and it has changed my life! I hope others can use the information below to protect their bodies and disable dew/freq devices in their homes as well! (I will withhold my name for now, as I am suspicious that my attackers will ramp up their attacks if I release my name.)
Here is what I figured out and how...
- Protecting your body from dew weapons - After I started experiencing these attacks, I did a lot of reading. Certain folks on the web recommended metal to protect against dew weapons. I decided to apply that idea to protecting my full person. Because I am a seamstress as my second job, I use something called Insulbright. That product contains three layers - a cotton layer, a metal inner layer, and another cotton layer. It is used in products like pot holders to keep the oven heat away from your hands or in fabric trivets to keep heat away from the table. That product, in a single layer, or, if needed, in a double layer, stopped the dew weapons from being able to reach my body. I slept under Insulbright and also put multiple and interspersed layers of Insulbright and aluminum foil in a winter hat that could be tied under my chin. That stopped the dew weapons from getting to my head while I was trying to sleep. I even put several layers of Insulbright in a small stack in my shirt over my heart because I have been hit with sharp dew hits in my chest - one time with 6 rapid hits in my chest near my heart in rapid succession. Insulbright has been a life-saver, and metal plays a major role in disabling the dew/frequency devices as described below...
- Draining the dew weapon electrical charge from the body - I bought a strap that was recommended on the web to drain the dew/freq electrical charges. It has an alligator clip on one end, attached to an electrical cord, and terminating with a metal square and a strap at the other end so that you can put the strap around your wrist with the metal square touching your skin. The point is to ground yourself with the strap by attaching the alligator clip to, for example, the screw of an electrical outlet. That strap was very effective at draining the charge after dew/freq hits but the length of the strap is limiting. I am constantly moving from station to station in my sewing room (my second job), so it was hard to keep myself strapped near an electrical outlet. What I realized is that, if an electrical charge built up in my body, I would start to feel jumpy/agitated. That, for me, is the sign that I have to drain the charge, and I go and hook up and let the electrical charge drain out, and then I disconnect and go back to what I was doing. There is a clear and distinct feeling as the excess charge drains out of my body - my heart and body immediately begin to relax. This strap plays a major role in disabling the dew/frequency devices as described below... (God Bless the persons who designed and make those straps!)
- Locating the dew/freq weapons in your home - After spending a fortune on devices to locate these weapons in the wall, hiring an outside firm to find these devices (DON'T DO THIS! THEY WILL NOT TELL YOU IF YOU HAVE POLICE/MILITARY/INTEL-GRADE DEVICES IN YOUR HOME!), and cutting holes in the wall of three rooms in my house, I can tell you... don't even bother. The approach to disabling the dew/frequency devices does not involve locating them at all.
- Figuring out what the devices use in your home - This was how I started to identify the method to disable the devices.
- Power - I noticed that my old, huge TV was clunking off and on after these attacks started. One day, I decided to pull the power from the TV and all of the sudden I got a loud, high-pitched noise in my right ear and I started hearing devices across my house going "bam", "bam", "bam", as if self-destructing. I was astonished. I cut the TV power cord and sent it away to the junk yard. They used my power. I started figuring out which circuits the devices were on and I shut off the ones they used and I restricted my circuit use to just what was necessary. Also, I purchased 3 small APC UPS systems and I started charging them whenever I had a live circuit. I could then run without house power for 2-3 hours in my office or sewing room or other area of my house.
- Wireless - Next, I started thinking what else the devices were using in my home. They can't be using my own wireless router, I thought, but I decided to disconnect it. To my dismay, I started hearing devices across my house going "bam", "bam", "bam", as if self-destructing. They used my wireless network. I purchased a hot spot for my cell phone to use instead of my home wireless router, but, very rapidly, the attackers figured out how to use that, too. So... disabling their use of my wireless capabilities appeared fruitless, but when I didn't need wireless, I simply shut it off. But restricting power was the best approach.
- The body - Logically, since other people in my home aren't bothered by these dew weapons or frequency weapons, the dew/freq devices target me individually with technology. I believed that the attackers had somehow introduced a tracking dye or a nanotechnology into my body so that they could specifically target me. I leaned toward the nanotechnology idea because, after these attacks started, under one of my teeth, on the lower right jaw, at the location of a second molar, I had experienced a strange, continuing vibration so severe that I had to have the tooth removed.
- So... then I started thinking... Ok... let's assume it's nanotechnology. That means that there are devices inside of me that are talking to the weapons outside of me. If I interrupt their ability to talk to the weapons, I might be able to defeat these things. Little did I know that interrupting the communications would cause the nanotechnology devices and the dew/frequency devices to fail. Here is what I came up with that worked:
- I used metal - I used two small metal dishes of the same size, big enough to cover one ear
- I used the strap that I had purchased
I put one metal dish inside the other (to make a thicker metal layer) and covered my right ear with them (concave side toward my head, flat side away from my head). I hooked the strap's alligator clip to a screw on an electrical plate. I held the flat square at the other end of the strap (you don't need to use the wrist wrap itself) flat against the exposed metal dish bottom and I waited to see what would happen. It took about an hour and I started hearing "bam", "bam", "bam" again, as well as smaller clicks, as devices shut down.
Then, I thought... if these are devices have programming of some sort and rely upon electricity, they might be susceptible to magnets. There seems to be a one-to-one or one-to-many association between these nanotech devices in my body and the dew/freq devices, so I thought maybe the nanotech devices in my body have the programming for the dew/freq devices outside my body. Some articles on the web indicated that magnets strip electronic devices of their programming, so I thought maybe nanotechnology would be affected too. So,
The Optimal Approach: I attached the strap's alligator clip to the electrical outlet screw. I placed the two metal dishes (one inside the other) over my right ear. Then, I placed a strong refrigerator magnet side-by-side with the strap's flat square against the exposed metal dish bottom and voila... in a much shorter period of time, maybe 20 minutes, I started hearing "bam", "bam", "bam" again as well as loud and smaller clicks. I would hear pops and actual clicks under my skin as the nanotech devices failed. Sometimes, even though I had the metal dishes and strap and magnet on my right side, I would hear a click on the left side of my head. Large dew/freq devices in the house would start making a very noticeable vibration when they began to fail. The longer I held this configuration to my head, the more clicks and pops I heard in my head and the more "bam", "bam", "bam" and clicks I heard from the devices in the house. One wave of device failures after another.
My concept is that these devices are spinning rapidly and when they fail, they sort of go out of normal spin, thus causing the vibration. The vibration from the dew/freq devices can be strong! The nanotech devices make a spinning noise too and you can hear them spinning down and they sometimes make a loud, high-pitched noise as they fail, but sometimes they just slow down and then go silent. As these devices fail, they may hit you with a zap or two because, in my estimation, they are trying to use whatever electricity remains to hit the target - another of the attributes of this equipment developed by sick minds.
There are still a few devices that activate every now and then, but I have cleared my house of the major problem and I have begun to live my life again. I use the approach described above whenever I need to and have suffered no physical degradation or injuries from that approach.
God bless all targeted individuals and their families! I hope you find this information helpful!
Concerned Citizen (Revealing All My Opinions - Nanotechnology Attacks)
PACTS Membership Information
Membership is $25/year. You may join via: PAYPAL: Click the 'Donate' button at our website - - or the blue button below and follow the prompts or at the following link:
Our Zelle email address is:
You may also send a check or money order made payable to 'PACTS, International' and mail to:
PACTS, International PO Box 1925 Twentynine Palms, CA 92277
You may even consider sending a small monthly recurring donation of $5, $10, $20 or whatever amount you wish.
Once membership dues are received, we then mail a packet of materials for members consisting of:
- Our PACTS International pamphlet
- A PACTS Membership card
- A "You are not Alone" Wristband or TI Awareness Ribbon for renewals
- For $50 or more you receive all of the above plus the latest issue of our PACTS magazine!
Time: 9 pm Eastern/ 8 pm Central/ 7 pm Mountain/ 6 pm Pacific/5 pm Alaska/3 pm Hawaii Call-In Number: 1-267-807-9497 Access Code: 248671#
Follow this Link to join the chatroom:
-- then, click 'Online Meeting' at the top of the page
-- click 'join meeting' in the dropdown box
-- enter meeting ID - derrickcrobinson
-- click 'Submit.'
LOS ANGELES TI MEETING - WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14, 2023! TIME: 7 PM Pacific LOCATION: On Zoom Contact: Scott Cranmer at:
PORTLAND, OREGON TI MEETING Saturday, June 24, 2023 Let’s gather in front of the library: Time: 3:30 - 5:30 PM Hollywood Branch Library of Multnomah County 4040 NE Tillamook Portland, Oregon See you then. Be well, brave, and strong For questions, please call Amy at: 971-207-3401
DALLAS, TEXAS MEETINGS STARTING WITH RAY RICHARDSON Those in the Dallas, Texas area who would like to participate in a meeting, please email Ray Richardson at:
THE NEW PHOENIX TI GROUP Location: Phoenix, AZ Contact Name: Constance Hunter Contact Number: 623-440-4416
Hosted by: Patricia Powell and Michael Hughes Monday & Friday Nights Time: 8:00 PM Eastern Time / 5:00 PM Pacific Phone Number: 605-562-0400 Access code: 7660364
REFUGE FROM THE STORM CHURCH Service Times: Christian Worship Service Saturday, 6:00 PM EST Prelude Music starts at 5:45 pm EST If you have difficulty getting into the service, immediately contact us at:
- Small Group Bible Study Wednesday Evenings 7:00 PM EST (On ZOOM Conference)
- Refuge TI Support Group Thursday Evenings 7:30 PM EST (On ZOOM Conference)
- Early Morning Prayer (ON TALKSHOE)
Wednesday – Friday 7:00 AM EST.
- Dial In Numbers: 1-605-562-0444 or 1-717-734-6904; Show ID: 140567#, Pin: 1#
- (U.S.), 1-867-292-3066; Show ID: 140567#, Pin: 1# (Canada
ZOOM CONFERNCE INFORMATION Meeting ID: 586 009 5779 Passcode: A14rUU One tap mobile +13462487799,,5860095779#,,,,*470988# US (Houston) +16699006833,,5860095779#,,,,*470988# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) Meeting ID: 586 009 5779 Passcode: 470988 Find your local number:
*Congratulations*** to the following TI's who have recent or upcoming birthdays! The source of these listings is mostly my Facebook page, however, if you have a birthday in JUNE or an upcoming month, and would like to be featured on the birthday list, send us an email to:
Samiah Binte Ibrahim - June 2 Almen Shymee Jones - June 3 Kevin Burnor - June 3 Gary Russell - June 4 Christopher Lewis - June 5
Greta Douglas - June 5 Helen Anderson - June 5 Wiliam Faber - June 5 Craig Laforest - June 8 Derrick Robinson - June 18