The December 2024 Cork 'n Cap Press
Ring In The New Year With A Sparkle
We have sparkling wines in every price range to ring in the new year. Traditional Champagne, Prosecco, and Cava might be your first choice, but if you are not "feeling it", how about some dark sparkles?
Here is our latest inflation-fighting set of 2 white and 4 red wines that come in their own reusable, partitioned, eco-friendly six bottle bag. As a bonus, when you bring your empty bag back in, you receive a club discount on the purchase of six bottles or more of any of our in-stock wines. Our sixpack club has no rules and no obligations, just a good value collection of specially selected wine. Check for information on the latest sixpack available.
Locally Produced Hand-Made Wine Tables
Check out these one-of-a-kind pub tables that double as wine racks. Local artist produced these with locally produced dead trees and polyurethane that was more likely to have been produced in a big factory somewhere out of state. Great gift for someone who already has everything.
Ask Santa, You Need To Give Someone A Hobby
With a small equipment investment and a few ingredients, anyone can make world-class beer. Good quality varietal grape and fruit wines are also easy and economical, clocking in for as little as $3 per bottle. We've got everything you need in stock to get someone on Santa's list started. Easier than chemistry lab and far more enjoyable.
Our Top Selling Red And White Wines of 2024
Chateau La Castillonne Red, our best selling wooden crate Bordeaux of all time, has a sibling. The red has been known for its consistent quality year in an year out. It is a classic 50/50 blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot that has crowd-pleasing brambly fruit notes, a dryness that lends it self well to pairing with a variety of foods without over powering them, and finishes with firm but gentle tannins.
Chateau La Castillonne White, says “Sauvignon Blanc” on the label but it likely also includes a small amount of Semillon, another important grape from the Bordeaux region responsible for rounding the edges and softening the citrus notes of the predominant grape, giving the resulting wine a luscious structure and mouth-feel.
Try either wine for $10.99 a bottle or grab a wooden crate of 12 bottles for just $108, a savings of almost $2 per bottle. While drier than a typical domestic wine, Bordeaux wines are typically lighter in alcohol and much lower in residual sugar, with minimal chemical adulteration for people who care about such things.
Special Hours Christmas Week:
Sunday December 22nd, 12pm-4pm (or when the Lions-Bears Game Is Over)
Monday December 23rd, 10am-4pm
Tuesday December 24th 10am-2pm
Wednesday December 25th Closed