Message from the President, John McRae
The growing season is in full swing and both Autumn and Spring Growers are completing their Seedling Growth Reports so we can monitor growth and ensure that surpluses are used to cover off any shortfalls. Thanks to our dedicated Coordinators who try to shuffle seedlings around to ensure we can deliver a full set of boxes.
The TreeProject committee recently spent a full day planning out the year. There was great enthusiasm and, after much discussion, we set the priority areas as fundraising, grower recruitment and seed management. At a strategic level, we also looked at implementing a hub model that would allow us to cover all of Victoria rather than just Bendigo and Geelong. We also looked at transport options as we will need to move lots of boxes from point to point. If anybody has a good understanding of how the transport industry works and/or has contacts who could help TreeProject, please contact me.
Volunteers are a crucial part of TreeProject and I am keen to increase social connectedness for TreeProject supporters. Please contact me if you would like to run a local meetup, an education/revegetation session, a tour to previous plantings or other form of supporter connection.
John McRae,