Will you stand with us in 2021 for Revival Harvest Ministries?
There is so much I could share about my journey this last 18 months and I’m sure it will be a part of my testimony. The purpose of this letter is to share some of the things that we are moving forward with that the Lord has made clear. It was last summer in July/August 2020 that I had a series of angelic encounters, visions and personal encounters with the Lord that were absolutely life-changing. At the same time Jess and I used this time to see healing and incredible restoration in our own lives and marriage.
During this awesome season of almost daily personal encounters the Lord spoke to me about my 45th birthday, which took place on January 10, 2021.
I thought it was very unusual for the Lord to be speaking to me six months before the day I was born but he spoke to me about picking up the mantle in a new 25-year mandate focused on the Harvest and the nations. Imagine waiting those six months for your actual birthday to see if something supernatural would happen and when my birthday came, I did pray and received what I believe the Lord spoke to me in faith and I’m ready to walk it out this year.
I am working on a new podcast series which will be available for free and released on many different platforms, and our content will focus on walking with God. I will also continue to build a new platform for TV and media ministry while taking a few ministry engagements later this spring and summer. Pray as we ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom in navigating our schedule through the current pandemic as we find it quite difficult to travel internationally with so many different restrictions still in place and we believe that these things will open up more and more this year. I am also working on a new series of online training schools, and several revival harvest America, Africa, Europe and Asian mission soul winning crusades.
We are excited that our first official event this year is going to be focused on the move of God in the streets of our city and parks. We are preparing for our RHA Charlotte mission coming up in March. With so many of the difficult gathering restrictions in place, more and more this event is truly going to be about praying, worship, evangelism, outreach in the streets, parks and tents in downtown Charlotte, NC. We have built an amazing network and team of ministries in this last couple of years as we’ve connected with groups ministering to our homeless population that is nearly 4,000 right here in our city. There is such a great need for the redemptive mantle of Billy Graham to be released again in Charlotte, pray for our upcoming RHA event. Details on revivalharvestministries.org You too can join our teams for this event! Volunteer now!
As many of you know I’ve had the honor and privilege the last six months almost daily to mentor my five-year-old daughter Paris and to see her amazing journey in the secret place as we’ve been gathering in our prayer room nightly. It’s been amazing to watch her grow and be filled with the Holy Spirit, memorize scriptures, pray and more. That’s one of the most exciting things about this last season. I have a new upper room prayer room called the secret den in my home. Several people that have come by that I’ve invited as guests have commented on the abiding peace that seems to rest over that one part of our house and it’s amazing. It’s a tangible presence indeed.
Would you pray about a first fruit seed into this new season, relaunch and recovery?
Yes, Todd I will stand with you and Jessa in 2021! 👇
Thank you in advance for your prayers and support this new year!
In Christ, Todd Bentley - Evangelist #RHM revivalHarvestministries.org #RHAmerica