Read all about it!


Notice of Annual General Meeting

The 2019  Annual General Meeting of the Coalition for Music Education in Canada will take place virtually on Thursday June 20th at 7pm. Music supporters and community members are invited to attend. Please RSVP via email by June 18th to obtain the conference call information. Anyone requiring additional information in advance of the meeting should contact Dr. Eric Favaro, Chair at

National Study Launched

During its annual Board Retreat, the Coalition for Music Education in Canada launched a national study on the state of music education in Canada.  Dr. Eric Favaro, Chair of the Board, stated, “This is a critical time in Canada when music and arts programs are once again under threat as Ministries of Education review their priorities for public education.  During the past few years we have had an increased number of requests for assistance from provincial Music Educators’ Associations and from parent groups seeking advocacy materials and research reports that describe the importance of music as a necessary component of a child’s education.  We knew it was time to do an in-depth review of music education in every province and territory.”

The idea of a national study was addressed at a Leadership Roundtable that the Coalition held in 2016 when representatives from like-minded organizations came together to discuss the state of music in schools and communities across the country.  In a follow-up Roundtable in 2017, more organizations joined in the discussions, and as the study was launched on June 1, twenty-one organizations had made a commitment to support the project. The key partners are Canadian Music Educators’ Association, Music Canada, MusiCounts, Canadian Network for Arts and Learning, and People for Education.  With such an influential group of partners, the Coalition is confident that this study will be historic in that it will address many emerging issues that are influencing the future of quality music programs in schools across the country.

Dr. Adam Con, University of Victoria, has been chosen as the principal investigator for the study, and with our research assistant, Jennifer Brown, they have already begun the process of gathering existing research that may prove to be important in the national project.  Dr. Con recently completed a similar study in British Columbia, and his experience and expertise make him the ideal person for this task. “This is a massive undertaking,” said Dr. Con during the Coalition Board Retreat.  “Now is the time when we as a concerned community come together to plan and mobilize individuals in every province and territory who will assist in the collection of information and data, and we will work closely with our key partners to capitalize on their keen interest in music education in Canadian schools.”

The scope of this study is to create a marker to help all the stakeholders who have a vested interest in K – 12 Music Education to better understand how the subject exists from region to region, and to provide information to support its future growth and development in Canada.  It is not the focus of this study to define or assess the quality of music education delivery, but to simply describe it in order that we might support each other’s endeavours. The project will be implemented over three phases, with a projected date of August 31, 2020 for the launch of the report.  The Coalition has taken the lead on this important study with Eric Favaro and Angela Elster, Vice Chair of the Coalition, managing the project. For more information please contact Dr. Eric Favaro, Chair of the Board at

Thank you for your support!

The Coalition would like to thank everyone who donated to our Music Monday fundraising campaign. Your donations will help us to produce new advocacy materials, thereby adding your voice to the chorus of Canadians who believe in the value of music education. If you missed the campaign, it’s not too late to support the Coalition! Starting on June 1st, your donation can help us to win big!

The Great Canadian Giving Challenge is back for its fifth year. This June, every $1 donated via and automatically enters the Coalition for a chance to WIN $10,000! Learn more here!

Success in Life Posters are still available!

Looking to add a dose of inspiration to the walls of your classroom? Order a “Success in Music, Success in Life” poster! From music to medicine and athletes to astronauts, the poster is a snapshot of Canadian leaders whose lives have been enriched by music. Get yours here!

Music Monday News


The Coalition would like to thank you for joining #TogetherInHarmony for Music Monday 2019. Our 15th annual celebration was an outstanding success! As you continue to share photos, videos, posts and tweets from your event, remember to use the hashtag #TogetherInHarmony, so you can connect with other music advocates from coast to coast to coast!

Certificates are now available!

Music Monday Certificates are now available for download! The fillable pdf can be printed and displayed with pride, in acknowledgement of your 2019 Music Monday Celebration!

Order your Winits today!

Another great way to commemorate Music Monday 2019 is through brand new Music Monday Winits, available in silver or gold! Order yours today!

Music Monday feedback and reports

If you’d like to share your thoughts or experience from Music Monday, it’s not too late. You can send us your ideas and opinions through the feedback form, or submit an event detail report to share photos, testimonials, and a description of your event. Your submissions can help shape Music Monday 2020!

Youth4Music News

Congratulations to the 2019 NUFSICISUM Winners!

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2019 NUFSICISUM Youth Leadership Award! These six young musicians exemplify what youth leadership through music is all about:

Jordan Middleton from High River, Alberta

Vanessa Ayala Munoz from Tilley, Alberta

Kaia Smoliak-Carlin from Kamloops, British Columbia

Félix Desruisseaux from Quebec City, Quebec

Kelly Hems from Winnipeg, Manitoba

Malena Lorenson from Red Deer, Alberta

With a record breaking 59 nominations and so many outstanding candidates, this year’s selection process was no easy feat. It was an absolute pleasure to read about each nominee, and see how they are contributing to their schools and communities.

A big thanks to all the teachers who submitted nominations, and a hearty congratulations to this year’s NUFSICISUM winners!

Community News

The Wholenote Summer Music Education Directory

Looking to keep connected with music over the summer? The wholenote has released their 2019 Summer Music Education Directory. From training programs to youth camps to seminars, there’s something interesting going on near you. Check out the list to register for a program, or to learn about performances taking place throughout the summer!

Auditions for the 2020 National Youth Band open soon!

On July 1st the Canadian Band Association will open auditions for the 2020 National Youth Band of Canada. The 2020 program will take place in Halifax, and will rehearse and tour from April 26 - May 3, under the baton of Daniel Bartholomew-Poyser. For more information, visit their website.

NYO concert tour 2019

If you’re in Ontario or Quebec this July, make sure to catch the National Youth Orchestra 2019 concert tour, which will include stops in Ottawa, Montreal, Parry Sound, Stratford and Toronto before heading to Spain. Led by Maestro Michael Francis, the NYO will perform work by Prokofiev, Mahler, de Falla, Panufnik and Brahms, as well as Jared Miller (2019 SOCAN Emerging Composer). Get your tickets now!

Wishing you a wonderful summer!

The Coalition would like to wish our readers a safe and happy summer, and thank you for your continued support as we advocate for quality music education in Canadian public schools. Our newsletter will resume in September, but our offices will remain open throughout the summer.

Thank you • Merci • Miigwech • kinana'skomitina'wa'w

We are able to do all of this awesome work because of the support from many groups. For a full listing of this support go to 

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