| A free, monthly newsletter with a roundup of the best the internet has to offer about mom-to-be and baby. | | | | | Issue #23 | | | | | | | | | | (www.childbirthconnection.org) | | There is no hard evidence to suggest that stress can prevent you from becoming pregnant. However, stress can depress your immune system, raise your blood pressure and disrupt your hormonal function. Also, it can prevent you and your partner from enjoying this time of anticipation and pleasure. Without doubt, being concerned about your ability to conceive or undergoing evaluation or treatment for infertility can be stressful. | | | | | | | | (www.eatright.org) | | Maternal nutrition and lifestyle choices are major influences on both mother and child’s health. According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, women of childbearing age should adopt a healthy lifestyle to help reduce the risk of birth defects, suboptimal foetal development and chronic health problems in mother and baby. | | | | | | | | Breastfeeding Brought to you by the SACLC | | | | | | | (www.uppitysciencechick.com) | | This study compared mothers’ report of symptoms of discontinuation syndrome in infants exposed to antidepressants both in utero and during lactation to infants who were exposed only during lactation. | | | | | | | | (ibconline.ca) | | Breastfeeding mothers frequently ask how to know their babies are getting enough milk. The breast is not the bottle, and it is not possible to hold the breast up to the light to see how many millilitres of milk the baby drank. And this is a good thing!! We are not supposed to know how much the baby is getting but rather is baby getting enough. | | | | | | | | (ibconline.ca) | | There are now a multitude of studies that show that mothers and babies should be together, skin to skin (baby naked, not wrapped in a blanket) immediately after birth, as well as later. The baby is happier, the baby’s temperature is more stable and more normal, the baby’s heart and breathing rates are more stable and more normal, and the baby’s blood sugar is more elevated. Nor only that, skin to skin contact immediately after birth allows the baby to be colonised by the same bacteria as the mother. This, plus breastfeeding, are thought to be important in the prevention of allergic diseases. When a baby is put into an incubator, his skin and gut are often colonised by bacteria different from his mother’s. | | | | | | | | (www.zerotothree.org) | | A child’s brain undergoes an amazing period of development from birth to three - producing 700 new neural connections every second. The development of the brain is influenced by many factors, including a child’s relationships, experiences and environment. Learn more about the crucial role you play in building your baby’s brain. | | | | | | | | (www.lamaze.org) | | Simple pleasures, shared discoveries Our babies offer us a second chance to discover the joys found in simple things – blowing bubbles, splashing in the tub, walking barefoot. | | | | | | | | (www.expectantmothersguide.co.za) | | I woke up in the morning, Sent my daughter Natalia off to school with her dad. I went back to sleep. My helper left for the day at around 9am … I said goodbye and returned to bed… | | | | | | | | (kidshealth.org) | | Dylan is busy in the bathtub, trying on a variety of "hats." First, it's the little bucket he uses as a bath toy. Then it's his washcloth, then his rubber duck. He finds all this very funny. But when his dad takes the rubber duck and balances it on his own head, the giggles really get going. | | | | | | | | Did you enjoy this issue? | | | | | | | |