As we conclude our month long look at biblical celebrations here are some of the biggest celebrations mentioned in the Bible.
1. On one occasion, Jesus miraculously provided a feast for more than 5,000 men not including women and children, after he paused to bless the five loaves of bread and two fish in Luke 9:16. This time, the thanks before eating produced a miracle and feast that fed many. Jesus broke the thin cakes of barley and kept giving the bread and fish to his disciples to pass out to the crowd. Everyone ate until they were satisfied. God provides for us. We should follow the example of Jesus and give thanks for our food. That’s the way to begin any feast!
2. After the Passover meal before his death in Luke 22:19-20, Jesus gave us all a treasured gift when he instituted the Lord's Supper with the leftovers from the Passover Meal. Jesus took the unleavened bread and gave thanks and blessed it. He did the same with wine. He announced that they were now His body and blood and said, “This is the new covenant.” We rejoice as we break bread and celebrate that Jesus is with us, along with his gifts of forgiveness and eternal life.
3. The Banquet of the Lord in heaven will be the biggest feast ever! Isaiah 25:6-9 speaks of a lavish feast and a time when there will be no more death. We will rejoice in our salvation then. Revelation 19:9 refers to this celebration as the marriage feast of the lamb, the feast in heaven and continues on to share that it is time to rejoice, be glad, and give God glory. His glory is indescribable, and we will rejoice greatly.
To God be the glory for celebrations and thanksgiving. Let us always remember to pause to share the many reasons for our gratitude to our Heavenly Father through praising and lifelong, spirit filled celebrations!
Sister Cathy Black