Hey ,
Apologies for the corny subject line, but I couldn't resist. Besides, you certainly know by now I love a good play on words.
One thing I’ve learned through this grand writing adventure is that creativity is a fickle little beast. One minute, she’s snapping and snarling and fighting me every step of the way, the next, she’s winning Best in Show.
Right now, she’s behaving somewhere in between: cooperating in fits and starts, but on her own erratic schedule, so I have to make the most of each burst of inspiration before it slips away.
It also helps if I imagine you, my dear reader, finally discovering what happens to Syd after that crazy cliffhanger in book two!
All right, I’m off to tame the beast. But first, some good news.
In my last newsletter, I invited you to enter a draw for a signed copy of one of my books, and on Monday, I pulled one lucky subscriber’s name out of a cookie jar.
If you follow me on Instagram, you probably already saw the video, but if not, you can watch it here: