A message from Bishop William T. McGrattan; The start of something bold... View in browser

The Jubilee Year begins on Dec 24, 2024, with the opening of the Holy Door in Rome. In our Diocese, we will mark this sacred time with an Opening Mass at the Cathedral on Sun, Dec 29, 2024 (Feast of the Holy Family) and conclude on Jan 6, 2026 (Solemnity of Epiphany). ​ Pope Francis has dedicated this Jubilee to “Pilgrims of Hope.” Rooted in baptism, we are nourished by Christ, guided by the Spirit, and called to journey in hope—trusting in God’s grace and longing for eternal life.


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You are called. You matter. You belong. These simple yet profound words capture the essence of our Pastoral Renewal. Jesus personally calls each one of us to follow Him and to remain by His side, for He deeply loves us. It is not merely a call; it is a profound affirmation that we truly matter. Every aspect of our lives - our dreams, our struggles, our joys - carries immense significance, for we are integral parts of God’s divine plan. Each one of us, in our uniqueness, contributes to the beauty and unfolding of God’s gift of salvation in the world. In this pilgrim journey of faith, let us be reminded that we belong to the Body of Christ, a community of disciples united in the one mission, and bound together by the love of our Lord. We invite you to join our diocesan Church and begin a journey of renewal together!


Find the calendar of Saints remembered by the Church. This page features the stories of the great witnesses of Christian life through the centuries, lighting our way on our journey of faith.


Each year, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention each month. You are invited to answer the Holy Father's request and to join with many people worldwide in praying for this intention each month. From time to time, the Holy Father may add a second prayer intention related to current events or urgent needs, like disaster relief. The second prayer request will help mobilize prayer and action related to the urgent situation.

Pray the Pope's intention