MaryAnn Diorio Books

"Heart-Mending Fiction"

Women's Fiction / Romance / Romantic Suspense /
Fiction for Children

NOVEMBER 2022 Newsletter

JOIN MY TEAM and Get a FREE Book!

The Official Newsletter of Author MaryAnn Diorio


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FULL DISCLOSURE: As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from the sale of my books and other qualifying purchases. 


MaryAnn Diorio writes women’s fiction from a quaint, Victorian town in southern New Jersey where neighbors still stop to chat while walking their dogs, houses still sport wide, wrap-around porches, and the charming downtown still finds kids licking lollipops and old married folks holding hands. A Jersey girl at heart, MaryAnn is a big fan of Jersey diners, Jersey tomatoes, and the Jersey shore.

Enjoy this newsletter? Please share it with a friend.  Thanks!


__A Word in Due Season
__On the Homefront
__Reissue of A Christmas Homecoming
__November Giveaway
__Coming in December
__Winning with the Word
__My Happy Places
__Learn How to Write a Story
__My New Product Line
__Join the Diorio Champions
__Your Turn
__Recipe Rack


by MaryAnn Diorio, PhD

Dear ,

November is traditionally the month for giving thanks. So, this month, in keeping with the thanksgiving theme, I would like to give thanks to the Lord for you, my faithful readers. You have made my writing journey a great joy and a very special blessing.

As I often say, a writer is nothing without her readers. The two are like a socket and a plug. One without the other serves no purpose.

So, this month I want to thank you for the following:

1. Thank You for being a member of my Reader Team.
2. Thank you for reading my books.
3. Thank you for posting reviews about my books.
4. Thank you for telling others about my books.
5. Thank you for helping me choose book covers and book titles.
6. Thank you for praying for me when the going gets tough--and it does!
7. Thank you for encouraging me when I'm not sure what direction to take in a story. 
8. Thank you for being such a faithful friend to me. 
9. Thank you for allowing me to pray for you.
10. Thank you for being you. You are a great gift to me. A special treasure and a special reward to me.

May our Lord bless you beyond your wildest dreams! May His favor shine upon you all the days of your life. May you experience the depth of His love for you in ever increasing measure.

Happy Thanksgiving Day with Love and Blessings,



HUGE SAVINGS on The Italian Chronicles Trilogy 

All three novels in one volume!

If you haven't taken advantage of Amazon's HUGE sale on my complete trilogy, do so now.I don't know how long Amazon will keep the single volume of The Italian Chronicles at the very low price of only $9.69. (Regular price is $35.97). That is a discount of 73%!

This gripping family saga takes place in enchanting Sicily in the late 19th and early 20th centures. It is a powerful story of betrayal, forgiveness, and love. Dont' miss it!

Read what readers are saying:

This is an amazing epic story of love, betrayal and forgiveness. Each of the characters is written with depth showing our human frailties and flaws as well as the fortitude and faith to live life the best way possible. One person’s sin can affect many people, but is any act beyond forgiveness? I love this book and recommend it."  ~ Verified Amazon Reviewer

"Excellent. A well written riveting story, and I don't give that praise to many."
~ Amazon Reviewer

"Intense. Gripping. Emotive. Heartrending. And hauntingly beautiful."  ~ Amazon Reviewer

"Masterfully woven plot., complex characters. Step into the world of Maria Landro in Pisano, Sicily, 1885. In this masterfully woven and suspenseful plot, rich with flavor of the time and location, you will experience Maria's joy, pain, confusion, frustration, and release as she faces challenges with her family, her new love, and a painful secret from her past. MaryAnn Diorio brings each character to life as he and she wrestles with important decisions, and their lives intersect in unpredictable ways. I was fully engaged to the last page."   
~ Amazon Reviewer

So, get your copy today. And consider getting extras as Christmas or all-occasion gifts for those you love.

Get your copy (copies) at the affiliate link below:


My husband Dom and I celebrated our 53rd anniversary on October 25th. Where has the time gone? It was only yesterday that we fell in love and got married. As we look back, we can't help but bow down before our Lord God to thank Him for His many blessings. 

I give thanks to God for my amazing daughter Lia, my wonderfult son-in-law Peter, and my precious grandchildren. 

I also give thanks for my precious daughter Gina and her wonderful husband Tito.


Lord willing, I will soo be re-issuing my popular novella, A Christmas Homecoming, in print, ebook, and audiobook formats. Stay tuned!

This popular story won the Silver Medal for E-Book Fiction in the 2015 Illumination Book Awards Contest. 

Here is the summary of the story:

Seven Christmases have passed since Sonia Pettit last heard from her daughter Jody. Since Jody's departure, Sonia's world has been turned upside down. Her husband has died of a broken heart, and her son, bitter over his sister's destructive
actions, has become rebellious. Her greatest desire is to have her family together at Christmas,
but after what Jody has put them all through, can Sonia truly forgive her daughter?

Jody Pettit O'Dair ran away to marry her boyfriend and experience a life of adventure and excitement, but since her departure, her world has been turned upside down. She's been abandoned by her husband, lost her job, and is unable to care
for her two children. With nowhere else to turn, this prodigal daughter begins the long journey home and prays she will be welcomed after walking away so long ago. 
Will Jody find forgiveness in the arms of her family as easily as she received it from God?

Stay tuned for more details in your inbox soon. 


This month's giveaway is my popular podcast titled "Relationship! Relationship! Relationship!" 
I trust that it will bless you.

Relationship! Relationship! Relationship!


On December 1st, Lord willing, my latest novel, The Captain and Mrs.Vye, will be released.

A work of historical fiction set in Cape May, New Jersey in 1873, it is the story of a middle-aged widow who discovers that her late husband has left her destitute.

The Captain and Mrs. Vye is now on pre-order at the link below: 



The general public seems to have a skewed perception of the writing life. I find it amusing--and, truth be told, very sad--when people approach me as though I am some kind of superstar who has it all together. 

Well, if you lived with me for a day, you would soon realize that, basically, I am no different from you. I experience the same ups and downs, the same fears and discouragement, the same challenges that are part and parcel of living on this fallen earth. Ane, when it comes to my writing, those challenges seem to multiply.

But also like you, I turn to Jesus to uphold me. I can't make it without Jesus. I can't do anything without Jesus. I am nothing without Jesus. Any strength you may see in me comes only from Jesus. I do my best to stay plugged into Him my every waking moment. Sometimes I succeed. More often I fail.

So, if you want to know the inside story behind my writing life, this is it. I am a fellow Christ-Follower on the same journey of life as you. We are both seeking the Master, the high prize of our calling as His followers. 

It doesn't matter if I write and you teach high school math or work in a factory. What matters is that we all are doing what the Lord has called us to do. What matters is that we do it for Him. What matters is that we encourage one another on this difficult journey called life.

It's a journey that is not getting any easier because we are in the last days. Jesus said it would get harder. But with Him leading us forward, and with each of us encouraging one another, we will make it.

And that is not only the inside story. It's also the whole story. :)

Love and Blessings,



I am happy to announce that my Winning with the Word blog and podcast will resume publication. Our Lord has miraculously provided the funds to pay operational expenses. Glory to His Holy Name!

If you wish to subscribe to Winning with the Word, please click on the link below:



Happy Places are places in my home or in my travels that make me happy. Here are two for this month:

1) The Beach at Avalon, New Jersey
2) Sunset on the Delaware Bay

Send me pictures of your Happy Places, and I will post them in a future newsletter! :)


Learn how to write a story . . . 

If you ever wanted to learn how to write a story, now is your big opportunity!

As a student at The MaryAnn Diorio School of Fiction Writing, you can choose from three courses to put you on the road to creating compelling stories that touch the heart.

__5-Week Fiction Writing Mini-Course

__Writing Fiction for Children

__Writing Fiction in Deep POV


Check out my new line of notebooks with covers featuring my art and photography.

You will find lined notebooks and blank sketchbooks. Just go to the link below:

MaryAnn's Original Notebook Designs

You will find a wide variety of notebooks from which to choose.  


If you subscribe to this newsletter, then you are eligible to join my private Facebook Group called THE DIORIO CHAMPIONS! It is a place of fun, fellowship, and faith where you are loved and accepted for who you are and encouraged to grow in love for Christ and for one another.

If you would like to join the Diorio Champions, click below. Your address will be verified as a subscriber. 


I look forward to welcoming you as a new Champion! :)

YOUR TURN . . . 

A writer is nothing without a reader. As a writer, I need your input. Please share with me any ideas you have to improve this newsletter. What new sections would you like to see? What sections are of no interest to you? What are your favorite sections?

Please don't be shy! I am teachable, and I welcome your comments. As Scripture says, "Iron sharpens iron" (Proverbs 27: 17).

Please send your comments and suggestions to me at 
I will review every single one in a timely manner and get back to you.

Thanks and Blessings!


The Recipe Rack . . . 

Fried Zucchini Fritters
(from the Kitchen of MaryAnn Diorio)


__6 medium Zucchini, sliced 1/4-inch think lengthwise
__2-4 cups Italian Breadcrumbs
__4-6 Eggs, beaten
__Olive Oil as needed

__Dip zucchini slices in egg and then in breadcrumbs.
__Fry in heated olive oil until brown and tender.
__Place on dish covered with paper towels to absorb excess oil. Allow to cool.

Let's stay in touch . . . 

I love to stay in touch with my readers. You can follow me on one or more of the venues listed below. Just click on the icon.

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Click here to have my Author Newsletter delivered to your Inbox.

Click here to subscribe to Winning with the Word, my weekly blog and podcast that reaches 73 countries. 

Click here to support this ministry by becoming one of my special Patrons.

Copyright 2000-2022 by MaryAnn Diorio.
All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: Required Disclosure: MaryAnn Diorio is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

"You will keep him in perfect peace,
Whose mind is stayed on You,
Because he trusts in You."

__Isaiah 26: 3 NKJV

MaryAnn Diorio Books

PO Box 1185
Merchantville, NJ 08109
United States