2022.. I have heard and seen many people, including myself, call it 2020 too. Coming into our third year with Covid, I see many people getting anxious and starting to stress. The pressure of jobs, money and lifestyle is beginning to take its toll in this current environment.
I even found myself saying these things with the pressures of life.
But there comes a time we need to make a stand. To work towards someone, something or someplace we believe in. I know a few doubting their worth and value but making that decision to be there reminds them that they are worth it, regardless. That they matter is essential and even more so as it is true. We are enough.
I will freely admit I started to fall into this trap until someone very near and dear to me said, "It is not fair; you do not deserve this".
We need to work for what is important to us.
So, while 2022 has not had the most pleasant start, I chose to stand and work for what and who I believe in. In a recent discussion with my eldest son about life, he commented, "Dad, you have a very ethical mindset!"
This led to a discussion on how we should be living. With our heart and ethics on our sleave, regardless of what the world does. Be true to ourselves, loved ones and friends, irrespective of what the world is doing. we matter and have value
Our motto is about Making it Real. Making it real is not going to be easy, but like all things of value, it will be worth it.
So, we ask you. How are you going to make it real? - Michael