A sneak peek at Into the Forge, plus lots more in this week's Medieval Musings. |
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This week saw one of my social media videos go viral, so much so that I more than doubled my number of followers on TikTok. A good rule of thumb that applies to most social media is: when you find something that resonates, stick with it!
For me, the one common thread is showing my books. By that, I mean physically displaying the entire series in front of the camera. I have to admit, seeing a series lined up is certainly appealing, and nothing draws the eye like some colourful covers!
Now, if only we could get the streaming services involved!
This week saw the internment of Queen Elizabeth II, who ruled for 70 years, 214 days, narrowly surpassing Rama IX of Thailand to become the second longest reigning monarch. However, the record for the longest reign is 72 years, 110 days. So who claimed the top honour?
Louis XIV of France, born in 1638, was pronounced king on the death of his father, but a regent in the form of his mother, ruled France until he came of age. He officially became king on the fourteenth of May, 1643, at five years old, ruling until his death in 1715, at the age of 76. During his long reign, he became known as the Sun King.
Book of the Week: Stories of the Past
Heir to the Crown Book 2.5
A recounting of past adventures by the unsung heroes of the realm.
It all begins innocently enough; a cool night, a warm fire, and finally, a moment to relax after saving the kingdom. Then, one by one, they reminisce about the defining moments of their lives.
From meeting a witch willing to sacrifice all in defence of her companions, to the discovery of a hereunto unknown creature preying on the hapless villagers of Mattingly, to the act of simply falling off a horse changing the future of the realm, their accounts are spellbinding.
The tales grow with each new chronicler; their past exploits soon to become the stuff legends are made of. Just when it appears the night is over, the final surprising tales unfold, leaving everyone speechless.
Mercerian Tales: Stories of the Past, more than just a collection of short stories, falls chronologically between books two and three of the Heir to the Crown series, but can be read at any time. If you like legendary creatures, bold manoeuvers, and witty banter, then you will love Paul J Bennett's recollections of days gone by.
Pick up your copy of Mercerian Tale: Stories of the Past today, and pull up a chair!
Mercerian Tales - How They Started
When reading a book, I sometimes wonder how the characters came to be. It's one thing to have the kingdom's mightiest warrior, quite another to find out how they reached the pinnacle of their career.
While writing Sword of the Crown, I kept many notes about the main characters' backgrounds. Rather than bog down the story with unnecessary tales, I compiled them into a collection of short stories. Thus, Mercerian Tales: Stories of the Past was born.
Eventually, I expanded this idea further, delving into the backgrounds of Albreda (The Call of Magic), Lord Richard (The Making of a Man) and even Urgon, Chieftain of the Black Arrow Orcs (Honour Thy Ancestors).
My latest Mercerian Tale is a little different as it takes place chronologically between books ten and eleven of Heir to the Crown rather than occurring in the past. Into the Forge, coming this October, recounts the story of Kasri Ironheart and Herdwin Steelarm's adventures in the mountains near Stonecastle.
A tale that brings to light a great danger threatening not only the Dwarves but all of Merceria.
Congrats to Butch for winning last week's giveaway. Congratulations to Angela for winning the Power Ascending Series. 99% of you wanted the book number on the spine or front of the book.
If my series were adapted for TV, which streaming service do you think would do the best job? |
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Guardian of the Crown is now well into the third act. Barring any unforeseen interruptions, I expect the first draft to be complete by the end of next week. After that, I have some time before I’m scheduled to begin Temple Commander, so I might work on a short story or two.
I've several ideas floating around, including a potential new Cyric story. I’ve also given some thought to expanding on a couple of my prequel stories, but we’ll have to see how much time that would take.
Then again, I may just dive right into it and get a head start on Temple Commander.
Here's the first snippet from Into the Forge. Enjoy!
"What are you two whispering about?" called out Delsaran.
"Nothing," replied Herdwin. "Just speculating on where the boar came from."
The Elf approached cautiously, his gaze locked on the body of the creature. "Are you sure it is dead?"
"If it's not, it’s doing a fine job of pretending."
Delsaran jumped back, his hand going to the hilt of his sword. "They can do that?"
"No," said Kasri. "Now, let's leave this place before we lose the sun."
"A pity," said Herdwin. "A nice piece of roast boar would’ve gone down well."
"True, but we haven't the time for it. And the last thing we want is to carry a carcass through the mountain passes."
"Yes, I suppose you're right. Very well, let's continue, shall we?"
"Wait," said the Elf. "You kill that thing and just continue on the way as if nothing happened?"
"What else would you have us do?" asked Kasri.
"Let me think… offer a prayer to Tauril?"
"And why would we do that?"
"She is the goddess of the woods. Surely, of all the Gods, she is the one we must appease?"
"Appease? Do you suppose the Gods stand around all day watching us mere mortals?"
"Yes, of course. Are you saying they do not?"
"Not in the least. You must think yourself important if you believe that."
"I like to think of myself as devout, if I understand you correctly."
"Well, devout or not, we still need to be on our way.
Finished Vortex already?
Why not give one of these great authors a try!
Gunner Banaburer, a sword for hire and a tired veteran of The Great War has a debt of honor to repay. A mythical badass with a greatsword, he has his own inner demons and a dark secret. While three beautiful young daughters of the famed dwarven general, Groodmaer, are to be smuggled back to a dwarven stronghold under The Belshar Mountains to be married for a dowry of a king's ransom...
But these dwarven females are no angels! Little do they know very powerful forces seek their ruin. Adraile, a powerful elvish lord with vengeance in his heart for the seed of Groodmaer. Grimgar, the defiler, the champion of the Orcians, is sent to end Groodmaer and his daughters.
And Malek, the half orc, and his men plan to cash in on the dwarven booty. Not to mention the beautiful, young, elf Aerin, who is perplexed with her unconsummated new marriage to Lord Adraile.
Time to gather a party and venture forth!
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Militess Halina is an accomplished leader, a fearsome soldier, and the unapologetically tough bastard daughter of Ursinum’s king. When she’s ordered to gain the allegiance of Shadow Mage Gethen — a notoriously dangerous necromancer whose brother is an enemy king — she assumes the negotiations will be simple: Either he’ll pledge his loyalty or she’ll remove his head.
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An old soul (several centuries old), the lover, fighter, and telekinetic Drake receives an order to safeguard Ana, a mortal with Elder Talent.
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One fate, two paths, six singular perspectives, and plethoric danger. Contemporary fantasy at its polychromic finest—pure delight.
One day, Jyosh will climb the heavens and slay a dragon god.
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Except she only exists in his dreams. Each hour of sleep equals a day in these shared lucid dreams, wherein he must master new lightblade abilities, bond with his teacher and other allies, and gain the fortitude to overcome his weakness and crush his enemies.
When Jyosh awakens to learn that a mysterious lightblade master, who also commands an armada of sky ships, is spreading destruction across the land, he’ll face a trial by fire against forces far more frightening than he could ever dream.
And forged from that fire, a Light Ascendent will rise.
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"Every review I receive inspires me to write more!" |
Paul J Bennett,
Author of Epic Fantasy.