From the CEO
This is an eventful time for AAMT. After a long and distinguished service, Will has now officially retired as CEO. He has left big shoes to fill.
I’m very appreciative of the opportunity to take up the reigns. Will and the Council have organised a smooth and orderly transition process and I’d like to thank them for this. I’m discovering there is a lot to learn.
The education environment is changing rapidly and this presents many challenges and opportunities for AAMT and our members. These include the increasingly diverse and competitive range of websites offering maths education, the changing nature of education as it becomes more outwardly focused and connected to our communities and workplaces, the automation of routine tasks in education and the workplace, as well as the growing need for students to acquire broader skills and capabilities within their disciplines. Expectations of teachers and students in maths are continually evolving.
I believe the need for AAMT and its affiliated State/Territory associations to provide both authoritative guidance and contemporary professional learning for maths educators will continue to grow in this challenging environment.
These are exciting times in maths education. I’m very much looking forward to working with AAMT members and stakeholders in the time ahead.
Duncan Rayner, AAMT Chief Executive Officer,