AFS 國際文化交流 2019年1-2月通訊
AFS Hong Kong Newsletter (January - February 2019)

最新動向 / NEWS

暑期交流計劃詳情 / Summer Exchange Program Details

2019-20 暑期交流計劃詳情已經準備好了! 今年的目的地包括加拿大、丹麥、芬蘭、德國、匈牙利、意大利、日本、西班牙、英國、美國。計劃適合13-18.8歲的學生,但每個國家的年齡限制不同,詳情請參閱AFS網站,或直接點撃以下按鈕下載章程。

2019-20 summer exchange program details are now ready! The exchange countries this year include Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Spain, UK and US. The program is suitable for students who are 13-18.8 years old but the age requirement varies among countries, please refer to AFS website for details, or click the following button to download the program guide.

下載暑期交流計劃章程 / Download the Summer Exchange Program Guide

一年海外交流計劃截止報名日期 / Year Exchange Program Application Deadline

各位AFSers,新年快樂! 不知道大家新一年有什麼新願望呢? AFS香港希望可以讓更多年輕人放眼世界,認識更多國家的文化,改變自己的人生,深信各位都會有相同的體會。2019/2020年度的海外文化交流計劃將於2月15日 (五) 截止報名! 請點撃以下按鈕下載計劃的小冊子及報名表,並分享給身邊的親朋友,讓更多年青人認識這個幫助他們開創未來的機會!

Dear AFSers, Happy New Year! What is your new year's resolution? AFS Hong Kong hopes that more of our young generation will have the opportunity to go to places and see the culture of the world. Do you share the same thought? Application for 2019/2020 Overseas Exchange Program will close on 15 February (Fri). If you want more of your contacts to learn about AFS and more young people to enjoy this life-changing experience, please click the following button to download our program brochure and share it with your family and friends!

2019-20 家訪義工招募 / 2019-20 Home Visit Volunteer Recruitment


Home visit is an important step in our exchange student recruitment. Its main purpose is to get to know more about our students, their family life and background so that we can make suitable arrangement for them. Every year we need a lot of volunteers to support home visits as we often need to do home visits for >100 exchange students in a short time. Therefore if you have joined the program before as an exchange student or parent, please click the following button for details and registration! 

下載計劃小冊子 / Download the Program Brochure
參與家訪工作 / Join the Home Visits

AFS舊生問卷調查 / AFS Alumni Survey

為進一步了解各位舊生在學業、事業、個人方面的發展,從而評估AFS計劃對參加者的影響,AFS International 設計了一份問卷給全球的參加者。我們希望能起碼收集到10,000個回覆,所以你的參與十分重要! 如果你曾經是AFS交流生,請即點撃以下按鈕填寫問卷!

To evaluate the impacts of our programs by understanding our alumni's academic achievements, professional life and personal development, AFS International designed a survey for all AFS alumni in the world. Our goal is to gather answers from at least 10,000 of our alumni and your answers will be vital in helping us to do this! If you were AFS exchange students, take the survey now by clicking the following button!

跨文化學習工作坊日期 / ICL Workshop Date

下一次跨文化學習 (ICL) 工作坊的日期已經確認了!  將會在 3月16日 (六) 於AFS辦事處舉行! 如果各位義工之前未能參加此工作坊,別錯過這次機會,進一步了解AFS計劃背後的文化概念! 而由於我們打算在今年於海外舉辦進階工作坊,如你有興趣參加,這個入門版工作坊更是不可錯過了。現在就點撃以下按鈕了解詳情及報名吧!

The next ICL workshop date is now confirmed! It will be held on 16 March (Sat) at AFS office! If you are AFS volunteer who were not able to join the previous workshops, don't miss this opportunity to understand the cultural concepts behind AFS programs! We also plan to organize an overseas advanced workshop in 2019. So if you are interested in joining that one. you will have to attend this entry level workshop first too! click the following button now for details and registration!

填寫問卷 / Take the Survey
參加 ICL 工作坊 / Join the ICL Workshop


May May (Germany, 2017-18) & Mandy 

在參與一年海外文化交流計劃之前,大家通常都會有各種疑問: 交流生多久能學會當地語言? 海外交流安全嗎? 延遲一年畢業是否浪費時間? 回港後能否於原校繼續升讀? 擔心離開身邊朋友? 我們邀請了2017-18年德國回港交流生May May和她的媽媽為大家解答以上問題,現在就點撃以上圖片觀看影片吧! 如果你身邊有親朋好友對計劃感興趣,也歡迎與他們分享此影片!

Before joining the year exchange program, participants usually have a lot of questions about it: Is it difficult to go to non-English speaking countries? Is it safe to study abroad? Is a gap year on exchange a waste of time? Did your school reserve a place for you? Did you worry about leaving your circle of friends behind? We invited May May (Germany returnee, 2017-18) and her mother to share with you their experiences! Please click the above picture to view the video! Welcome to share it with your family and friends who are interested in joining the program too!

準備好迎接改變一生的經歷? 希望參加AFS海外交流計劃?

Ready to have a life-changing experience? Interested to join our year or summer exchange program? Attend our next free information seminar!

參加座談會 / Join the Info Seminar


Rosa (Italy, Japan, Germany, 2014-17)

說到意大利人,你會聯想到什麼? 說到德國人,你又會想到什麼? 我們常說接待交流生是一個認識不同國家文化的好機會,但對曾經接待過意大利、德國和日本交流生的Rosa而言還不止於此,這些經驗更打破了她與她的家人對不同文化的刻板印象。


在開始接待交流生之前,Cherry並不想去參與海外交流計劃,但這兩年經驗改變了她。在2016-17年,她決定前往德國交流。有趣的是,他們家在同一年也接待了一位德國交流生。到了今年,Rosa一家到德國旅行,與Cherry的接待家庭相聚,正在意大利的Martina亦特意到柏林加入他們! 相信對於他們所有人而言,那都是一趟相當難忘的旅程!

What pop into your mind when you think of Italian and German? We always say hosting students is a great way to experience culture of different countries, but for Rosa who hosted students from Italy, Germany and Japan before, it is far more than that. These experiences broke the stereotype of Rosa and her family.

Rosa's family hosted Italian exchange students in both 2014-15 and 2015-16. Anna, who are on the photos on the left, is more like a 'typical' Italian. She is independent and outgoing, but her concept in time and hygiene is different from what we usually expect in Hong Kong, which made it difficult for Rosa's daughter Cherry to share the same room with her. However, Rosa said it was actually a chance for Cherry to think like a mum or a host family and know how a daughter and an exchange student should behave. Hosting another Italian student Martina next year was then an experience which changed Rosa's perception on Italian. As Martina is such an organized, responsible and punctual person, she realized that it is not accurate to judge a person based on his or her nationality. There are so many different kinds of people in every country.

Before hosting students, Cherry was not willing to join the year exchange program, but this 2-year experience really changed her mind. In 2016-17 she decided to spend a year in Germany. Interestingly Rosa also hosted a German student in the same year. This year Rosa's family traveled to Germany and met Cherry's host family there, Martina also joined them in Berlin! We believe that it was a memorable experience for all of them!

有興趣接待外國交流生? 立即填寫申請表格!

Wish to welcome a foreign exchange student to your home? Fill in the application form by clicking the following button!

成為接待家庭 / Become a Host Family


學生招募組義工 / Recruitment Team Volunteers

還記得我們在9-10月通訊分享過一段影片嗎? 那是在2018年回港導向營期間拍攝的,學生招募組的成員與剛回港的2017-18交流生分享自己成為AFS義工的原因。不過,當時只分享了第一部分,現在就來看看「10個做義工的理由」下集吧!

Do you still remember that we have shared a video on the September - October newsletter? It was took during the Re-Entry Orientation Camp in 2018 while our recruitment team members were sharing why they would become AFS volunteers with  2017-18 exchange students. However we only shared the first part on that newsletter, now let's take a look at the remaining part of '10 Reasons to Be Volunteer'!

準備好加入AFS的義工團隊? 立即填寫申請表格!

Ready to be our volunteer? Fill in the application form by clicking the following button!

成為義工 / Become a Volunteer

認識我們 / ABOUT US

大家好! 為使大家進一步了解AFS的團隊及運作,我們每一期通訊都會介紹一名AFS香港職員。現在就來認識我們的接待計劃經理 Regina Tse 吧!

Greetings from AFS Hong Kong office! To help you better understand our team and operations, we introduce an AFS staff member on every newsletter. Now let's get to know our Hosting Manager Regina Tse!


2018/11/24 / 國際文化節 / Intercultural Fair

今年的國際文化節已於11月24日順利舉行! 我們衷心感謝接近50名義工的協助及所有接待交流生設計遊戲的用心,還有瑪利諾神父教會學校的支持,讓約900名參與此活動的本地中學生有機會認識不同國家的文化! 現在就點撃以下按鈕瀏覽更多當日的照片吧!

With the support of about 50 volunteers and Maryknoll Fathers' School, the Intercultural Fair this year was successfully held on 24 November! We also greatly appreciate all host students' efforts in designing games and providing this precious opportunity for about 900 local secondary school students to get to know culture of different countries. Now let's click the following button to view more photos!

瀏覽更多國際文化節照片 / View More Intercultural Fair Photos

2018/12/07 / 師友計劃聖誕聚會 / Mentorship Christmas Gathering

為了讓參與師友計劃的導師及導生有機會互相認識以及分享對計劃的意見,義工Andy, Natalie, Swing, Yannex為他們籌辦了這個BBQ聚會。我們很高興能聽到不同參加者的分享,知道大家都有不錯的經驗,並在第一次見面後仍能保持聯絡。希望這個計劃未來能聯繫更多AFSers!

To offer a chance for mentors and mentees in the mentorship program to get to know each other and share their feedback on the program, our volunteers Andy, Natalie, Swing, Yannex organized an BBQ gathering for them. It was happy to hear different participants' sharing and know that they generally had a good experience and kept in touch after thieir first meeting. We hope that this program could connect more AFSers in the future!

2018/12/08 / 國際兒童文化節 / Junior Intercultural Fair


Apart from the Intercultural Fair that you all are familiar with, we also organized a Junior Intercultural Fair for local primary school students these years. It is a great chance for them to experience culture of different countries at a young age. The fair this year was successfully held on 8 December, with over 620 participants. Big thanks to our host students who prepared different games for participants, also our MC Sean!

海外交流計劃活動 / Sending Program Events

目前2019-20一年海外交流計劃仍在接受報名,因此我們最近仍在各區舉辦座談會,讓更多學生及家長認識AFS! 與此同時,感謝我們學生招募組的義工,他們於11月25日舉辦了本年度第二場甄選日,透過團體活動及面試環節,助我們選出適合參加一年交流計劃的學生。

As 2019-20 Year Exchange Program is still accepting applications now, we are still organizing info seminars at different districts to let more students and parents know about AFS! At the same time, thanks to our recruitment team volunteers, who held the second selection day this year on 25 November. Through holding group activities and panel interviews, they helped us in selecting suitable students to participate in the program. 

接待計劃活動 / Hosting Program Events

踏入11-12月,我們接待交流生的生活依然精彩! 除了參與兩個國際文化節外,我們的義工David和Aily正在用心教授他們廣東話,助他們認識香港文化。他們也參加了理事會成員Dede為他們安排的健行、聖誕聚會等活動,還有由香港國際社會服務社的太極活動、南華早報的寫作工作坊、新鴻基地產的新閱會活動等等。

Stepping into November and December, our host students are still enjoying a fruitful life in Hong Kong! Apart from participating in the two intercultural fairs, our volunteers David and Aily are teaching them Cantonese to help them understanding Hong Kong culture. They also participated in the hike and Christmas gathering organized by our board member Dede, the Tai Chi class organized by International Social Service Hong Kong Branch, SCMP writing workshop and SHKP Reading Club, etc.

Message from Our Friends at Teach for Hong Kong :

良師香港也是一家幫助香港年輕人的非牟利機構,旨在發展教育界的領袖,從而為更多人提供教育機會。他們即將展開一個Fellowship Program,讓更多夥伴可以透過參與計劃成長,同時回饋社會。參與的夥伴將按合作學校的需求教授不同科目。如果你是三十歲或以下並持有大學學位,你就符合參加資格。請按以下按鈕了解詳情及在2019年1月11日前提交申請!

Teach For Hong Kong (TFHK) is also a non-profit organisation that helps Hong Kong teenagers. It aims at developing leadership in classrooms and communities to ensure all children have equal opportunities to access quality education and realize their potential. They are going to start the TFHK Fellowship Program, which allows Fellows to grow to be leaders and give back to the community simultaneously. Fellows teach in a wide range of subjects in accordance with the requirements of partner schools. If you are aged 30 or below and hold a Bachelor’s degree, you are eligible to apply. Click the following button for details and apply for it by 11 Jan 2019 !

良師香港計劃詳情 / TFHK Program Details

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Follow us on social media so that you won't miss the next awesome AFS activity!

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Copyright © 2018 AFS Intercultural Exchanges, All rights reserved. 

Our mailing address is: 
AFS Intercultural Exchanges
8/f, Shun Feng International Centre,
182 Queen's Road East,
Wanchai, Hong Kong
