January 2022
Greetings from the Age-Friendly Institute,
2021 was busy and productive, and the table is set for 2022 as we engage and share the voices of older adults. We grew our team, expanded the scale and scope of our flagship brand and website, AgeFriendly.org, welcomed new partners and leaders, and laid the groundwork for leaps forward in pursuit of our mission. Below are a few highlights that we hope will spark your interest, curiosity and desire to partner with us in new and creative ways in the new year.
Thanks to our Partners! The John A. Hartford Foundation led the way with its $1.5 million, 3-year grant in support of the Age-Friendly Institute. We are on our way to establishing matching funds from a small group of corporate underwriters who share a commitment to elevating all things age-friendly. Reach out to us anytime if you'd like to join or support the mission of the 501(c)3, non-profit Age-Friendly Institute.
Since you're reading this update, you're likely a part of the Age-Friendly Ecosystem. I hope you'll see yourself or your organization within this array of work. The gathering of older adults' voices comes to the Institute every day and in many forms: reviews, ratings, stories, testimonials and anecdotes. We're curating, counting, reporting and sharing back this valuable information in a feedback loop, with the pursuit of making us all a little bit better at how we deliver policies and services to older adults. The team is working hard to improve outcomes for older adults, and we know our work will never quite be done.
Tim Driver, President