Oh boy it just got cold...

It's still summer but the southerly breeze is blowing in New Zealand and it seems like winter might be on the way! Scary stuff, but there may still be hope. Fingers crossed Australia sends over another heat wave in the next few days or I might end up running away sooner rather than later XD

Anyway, I've pulled off a solid week of work on a new story this week - and fans of the Legend of the Gods might be pleased to hear Devon makes an appearance! Given the end of the series, I'm excited to explore the new change to the Three Nations, and I hope you all are too!

And of course my rewrite The Evolution Gene is coming up very soon (and the Praegressus Project will be going bye bye with the end of the month!). Can't wait to show you the cover for book one next week :D

Weekly Recommended Reading

The locals all warned our intrepid trio of the dangerous forest. It’s filled with fairies, they said. People that enter never return, they said. Lana and Peter were ready to listen to that advice until House Valor didn’t give them a choice; it was either escape into the woods or be run down on the plains by an angry centaur and his band of fighters. Given those options, the forest seemed like the lesser of two evils.

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Aaron Hodges

103d St Lukes Road, Auckland
New Zealand