I love sharing your stories! Being that this is our anniversary year, we’ve been collecting tons of stories from alumni, former and current faculty and administrators. It’s incredible to hear how Friends University has impacted their lives. Whether you attended Friends a few years ago or decades ago, every Falcon has a valuable story to tell.
I am particularly enamored by those of you who met your significant other while at Friends. Perhaps you met your lifelong spouse here, a respected mentor, or your closest friends – this campus is a special place where authentic relationships have been fostered for generations. Being that Valentine’s Day was just a few weeks ago, I thought it would be fun to collect some of your Falcon love stories!
If you met your spouse or significant other at Friends, we would love to know! Send us a photo of the two of you via email to alumni@friends.edu. We would love to create a collage of some of the photos we receive and share it to the alumni Facebook page.