with a giveaway for three books, too. Somebody has been good this year! View in browser
December 12, 2020

On the Homefront: A bit of a slow week

This week wasn’t super exciting from a non-work point of view. Other than finishing Warrior Knight, the only thing of significance was the arrival of our new colour printer. Our older printer, an HP Officejet, served us well but finally gave up the ghost giving us print cartridge errors. Rather than spend money getting it repaired, we decided to buy a new printer, this time a Brother Inkjet.

Once it was set up, I printed up some coloured magic cards. What are magic cards, you ask? A quick reference for the players in our role-playing campaign, giving an overall description of how a spell works. (they also get a full-page print out of the spell with full details)

I also use these cards for other things, like detailing animal companions, which you can see below.

This coming week's Facebook Live is all about character development in my books

Join me this coming Monday, December 14 at 5:30 EST(GMT-5) to learn how the characters in my books have evolved over the course of the series.

All about Mercerian Tales

How history affects my writing


Introduction to Power Ascending Series

The Armies of Merceria versus the Continent

All about Battles and Wargames

All about my four series

Fury of the Crown releases December 22, 2020

Fury of the Crown has a new feature in the back of the book, and I can't wait to tell you all about it. Based upon feedback from my Advanced Reader Team, I have added a who's who, including the nobility of the realms. Also, they asked for a map to make it easier to visualize the flow of the battle, so that will also be included. Thanks to such a great ARC team for sharing their thoughts.

Heir to the Crown: Book Eight

Releases: December 22, 2020
Available: All retailers

The Frozen Flame: Book Four

Releases: May 25, 2021
Available: All retailers

Pre-order Fury of the Crown
Pre-order Inferno

Magic in the World of Eiddenwerthe: Part 2

Last newsletter, I made reference to the magic used in Servant of the Crown. I thought it might be interesting to talk about the second book in the same way, though I must give a warning, there are spoilers. Sword of the Crown contains very little in terms of magic until the last third of the book. There is a reference to the Royal Life Mage when Gerald is injured, but magic doesn't rear its head again until we meet Albreda.

During their first encounter, Beverly soon comes to realize Albreda is a Druid, another name for an Earth Mage. From the knight's point of view, there is no real use of spells, but dig deeper, and you'll figure out that the Witch of the Whitewood has summoned both a hawk and wolves.

Magic doesn't play a part again until the Battle of Kingsford, where Lily uses her innate magical ability to summon a mist. Here we also see Master Revi Bloom healing her horse, Lightning. Later, at Bodden, Albreda again calls on the wolves, this time to herd deer, though I won't give away the results.

The last mention of magic is during the Battle of Eastwood, where Chief Urgon uses a magical sword, along with an Orc hero who is healed by a shaman, the Orcs' name for a Life Mage.

As the series progresses, magic becomes more prominent. Next issue, I'll talk about how the mages of the series have become more proficient.

In case you missed any of the past story giveaways

Into the Maelstrom
Download into the Maelstrom
A MIdwinter Murder
Download A Midwinter Murder
TFF Prequels
Download The Frozen Flame Prequels

Early Christmas Present - 3 books!!!

Fill out this quick 1 question survey for a chance to win 3 of my ebooks - your choice. Multiple answers allowed. Choose the artciles you like, and you will automatically be in the giveaway.

Heroforge: Painting a Minature

Last week I talked about a company called Heroforge. For my current game in progress, I had the players each design their character on the Heroforge website, and then I ordered the .stl files so I could print them myself. As a special treat for them, there'll be two copies of each character—one for use in the game, painted accordingly, and a second, bronzed, for them to take home.

I thought it might be interesting to show you the bronzed figure of the character the campaign revolves around, a fellow who started the game as Henry 'Hank’ Garrison. It was later revealed his real name was Prince Amril of Talyria, of the house Kraygen. The figure represents him in the later stages of the game, where his true lineage has been revealed.

Here’s a teaser for you: There might be a reference to these events in Warrior Knight!

Work in Progress Update

And that's a wrap. Warrior Knight is now finished—well, at least the first draft is. I'll read over the last few chapters next week and tweak them, and then it's off to editing. I know Carol's keenly interested in how it ends, so she's eager to finish reading it too.

This story has several themes I wanted to introduce, and I think it forms a great opening story for Ludwig's career as a warrior. His story will continue in Warrior Lord, but I have several projects between then and now, including Honour Thy Ancestors, Inferno, War of the Crown, and then Temple Captain. I definitely have enough to keep me going for the next few years, that's for sure!

Until next time, happy reading

Did you know?

Over the years I have played many console video games, starting with the Atari 2600, then moving to all versions from Nintendo. I think I must have clocked over 500 hours on Golden Eye alone! But I have to admit, I now prefer the computer for my gaming, and my favourite games are World of Tanks, Fallout 4, and Minecraft, with the Civilization series coming in a close fourth. What do you like to play?

Author Spotlight

Check out these featured books that are free, discounted, or new releases.
These authors are returning the favour by sharing my books with their readers.

Age of Gods: Pursued by the inhuman Tangata, Lukys flees on foot through the wilderness. He and his companions make for the ocean, a stolen ship their only hope—but even that may prove fleeting. For should they reach the island of Perfugia, a war is brewing between the kingdoms of humanity. Lukys fears he will find only more death on the shores of their homeland. But they have nowhere else left to go. 

Meanwhile, the Queen’s Archivist might hold the key to peace. Standing before the...

Download Age of Gods

The First Horseman: Death meets a pink-haired bounty hunter? Can only spell trouble.

I'm stuck. After two thousand years, my magic has evolved and invisibly tethered me to this pink-haired girl. But she's a alive? Why am I, the Horseman of Death, attached to the living?

Download The First Horseman

A Trove of Tomes: Dragons. Elves. Curses. Blood Pacts and orcs... and plenty of Chosen Ones.

Get these novels from ten masters of fantasy and unlock portals to new worlds today. 

Authors in the Anthology:

Christopher D. Schmitz, J.M. Ney-Grimm,  Danny F. Santos,  Resa Nelson,  Douglas Van Dyke Jr, CB Samet, Sherif Guirguis, J. Lloren Quill, JC Kang, Paris Hansch

Download A Trove of Tomes

Chronicles of Lorrek: Prince Lorrek is a troubled sorcerer surrounded by conspiracies and corruption. His greatest battle stems from the darkness within himself.

1,200+ pages of gripping fantasy filled with magic and intrigue. This 3-book bundle launches a sprawling, 9-book dark fantasy spectacle reminiscent of Loki's struggle in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

Download and get swept away as Lorrek toes the line between good and evil, teetering on the edge of darkness.

Download Chronicles of Lorrek

Featured Book Deals & Giveaways

While you wait for the release of my next book, here are some great stories for your TBR pile!

Extra Book Deals & Giveaways

A taste of Magic Giveaway
Look after me Giveaway

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Paul J Bennett


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