"You know, Paul. I don't know a man, woman, or child alive... who doesn't enjoy... a lovely beverage." These are the words David Letterman would occasionally say to Paul Shaffer toward the end of his Late Night run, which would then be followed by the beverage drinking piano jingle as Dave drank water, coffee, and/or booze from a mug.
Lovely beverages do indeed make the day better, especially warm ones. I do enjoy cocoa, apple cider, or coffee from time to time, but the one I drink on a daily basis each morning is black tea. It's got a little caffeine, but is more mellow than coffee, which will make me feel too wired if I partake in it too often. I've tried the green and white teas, and they're not my bag. Earl and Lady Grey are the one's I usually enjoy on weekdays.
However, there is another. One that creeps up to the level of a coffee kick, but maintaining the smooth feel of a tea. It's one that I discovered on a tea of the month club that my wife set up for me several years ago. Roasted Mate (pronounced mah-tay), a caffeine-infused drink from South America. I loved a blend called My Morning Mate that tasted absolutely fantastic, a bit coffee, a bit cocoa. Then the fiends stopped making it.
I found others that were quite good, like South of the Border black tea with chocolate and chili pepper. It's not too spicy, but there's some zing for sure. But I was always pining for that lost flavor.
And I have at last found a suitable replacement from Fusion Teas called Good Morning Yerba Mate. Oh, my. I had it the other morning, and the feeling and taste of it was pure liquid love. Just like the lost flavor of old. The taste sensation has returned. In a way, I'm glad I was bereft for a few years. I found new flavors I enjoyed. And I'll cherish my reunited flavor all the more now.
The lesson here is to take pleasure in the little things, like a lovely beverage. And be more diligent with your Google searches.