Spring started with busy work in the waste management department. We had several visits all over the country, new information materials, project summaries and the launch of a new opportunity - EcoVisio services 👀
Read more in the newsletters below 👇 |
Meetings with civil society in Waste Management Region 5 |
The month of February, within the project "Strategic Communication for the implementation of the National Solid Waste Programme in Moldova in regions: 5,8,1", was very productive. We had the chance to organize 3 meetings with civil society from Ungheni, Nisporeni and Calarasi, and we are delighted to share their enthusiasm for change! See here for more details on how the meetings went.
The village of Volintiri, r. Stefan Voda, becomes more resilient to climate change |
For more than half a year, Volintiri villagers have been participating in trainings, learning from experts and upgrading their public institutions to develop a sustainable community of people aware of their impact on the environment. Admire the results in the informative material in the post.
Climate simulation game Keep Cool in schools and youth centres in Moldova |
Although the Keep Cool board game has been promoted and adapted in Moldova by EcoVisio for over 10 years, throughout this period it has been supported by several international partners. Those funding helped us to make the game known to as many people interested in the issue of climate change as possible. Read more about the game in 2023 here. |
Training for pupils from Volintiri village, Stefan Voda r. |
Have you noticed that more than half of your trash is food scraps? With such a message Gabriela Isac went to the village of Volintiri, r. Stefan Voda, where she explained to the 57 students from grades 7-9 of the local gymnasium "what?" "how?" and "why?" about organic waste and dried leaves - our garden friends. Gabriela told them in an interactive way about these resources of ours and gave them useful tips and practices based on the possibilities and infrastructure of the village. I've told more about it in this post.
EcoVisio accelerates the development of NGOs in Moldova! |
EcoVisio, being an association with a lot of experience in fundraising and project management, helps other organisations and activist groups to become more efficient, to have mechanisms and tools for a bigger and more authentic performance, to identify the most appropriate way for the implementation team. Find out more in our post.
Garbage or fertilizer? Information posters for villagers |
How can we effectively manage waste in Moldovan villages? We invite you to Volintiri village, Stefan Voda district, where things are changing every day. The posters in this post are now all over the village to inform villagers how organic (food waste) and recyclable waste can become valuable resources, and how non-recyclable waste should be collected in a way that has as little negative impact as possible. See the actual posters in the "Useful resources" section.
Opportunities: get involved! |
We are looking for civically active rural residents interested in energy efficiency! |
We invite rural residents to learn about essential energy efficiency practices. The working group, formed as a result of the training, will be able to conduct energy audits for rural households. The activities will be organised at the EcoVillage Ecological Training Centre (village of Rîșcova, r-nul Criuleni). Deadline for application: 10 June 2024. Details here.
Opportunity for farmers, keen to learn |
We invite you to the study visit "Environmentally friendly agricultural practices in the context of climate change" which will help you apply this concept in practice, learning from other colleagues who have experimented and are ready to share lessons learned. Agricultural producer Micu Alexei will guide us through the process. More details here.
Opportunity for vocational-technical schools |
Launch a social entrepreneurship activity in your vocational school, college or centre of excellence! Pre-selected institutions will benefit from financial and non-financial support (consultancy, one-to-one mentoring, access to resources, materials, other activities for teachers and students within the programme, etc.). Details and selection criteria here.
Opportunities in Social and Green Entrepreneurship #June2024 |
The Social Entrepreneurs HUB team has prepared a selection of opportunities for entrepreneurs, young people, youth organisations and people interested in the field. Access the monthly post to apply for grant programs, free mentoring or to attend the Moldova Digital Summit 2024!
Chisinau by bike
A piece in which we talk to people who avoid getting on their bikes, to cyclists and cyclists, to car drivers, to colleagues from the Chisinau Bicycle Alliance, as well as to local authorities. We talk about fears, pleasure, convenience, infrastructure, perspectives, actions, dynamics, etc. The documentary started from the desire to understand the problem and to find out if we can count on a Chisinau on bikes in the future.
The material was produced by Ecopresa in the framework of the project "Sustainable and safe energy and transport in Moldova", funded by the Heinrich Böll Foundation in Germany and implemented by EcoVisio. |
Inclusion of Ukrainian refugees in rural communities in Moldova
When Russia invaded Ukraine, Moldova was among the countries that accommodated hundreds of thousands of refugees from Ukraine. Then we at EcoVisio asked ourselves, "How can we help in these times of war, using our expertise in solving environmental problems?".
In 5 villages in Moldova we organised activities to integrate refugees into society, but most importantly - we provided them with housing:
- We insulated and made energy efficient the houses of villagers, who were open to house refugees in their homes;
- We renovated, insulated and made energy efficient the abandoned houses, which could be used in the absence of the owner in the country/region.
In this way we were able to benefit everyone: the local community by helping to modernise their homes; the refugees by providing them with a well-equipped place to live; the environment by reducing pollution in the renovated homes. |
Waste Management in Moldova: Dialogue with Ambros Alexandru
What are the biggest challenges in waste management? What should mayors do to solve the problem of garbage in the village? Which are the first regions to benefit from waste infrastructure?
Watch the interview with Mr Alexandru Ambros, who gives details about the "Solid Waste in Moldova" project.
This initiative is implemented by the Ministry of Environment with the aim of developing an infrastructure for recycling, composting and proper storage of waste. It aims to improve the way waste is managed in the Republic of Moldova, where much waste is currently not properly sorted and does not end up in recycling. The project is funded by the EBRD, EIB and E5P. |
Discover 5 social & impactful businesses in this interview by the Social Entrepreneurs HUB
Igor Hîncu and Victoria Novac from the social business EduJoc - Educational Toys, you've surely met them at our events. Young, full of creative ideas, always ready to play, Igor and Victoria have managed to create a family business where every child from 0 to 99 will find the right toy. Vica Diavor, is a marketing specialist at ZUGRO, a high-impact business in Moldova. Zugro helps people not only save money on their bills, but also reduce the CO2 effect in the atmosphere by insulating their homes. Zaharii Dolomanji is CEO of Eveco Construction, a company that provides green building services. An innovation for the Republic of Moldova, which still has work to do on stereotypes and prejudices in the market. And Maria Pasat, director of the Vibe Academy Educational Centre, is not only bringing robotics and IT closer to children in the regions, but also empowering young mothers on maternity leave by offering them a job in their home community.
Watch the interview to the end to find out how we can support social & impactful businesses, as well as recommendations for those just starting a responsible business
Informational posters on waste and composting
We've all seen and can still 'see' waste dumps on the edge of the village and clouds of smoke from villagers burning their rubbish. It's no secret that the above are bad for nature and our health. And if you tell us "People don't know what to do with their garbage and no decent infrastructure!" we agree, but we also tell you that it's not the same everywhere.
Check out the informational posters to find out how organic (food waste) and recyclable waste can become valuable resources and how non-recyclable waste can be collected in a way that has as little negative impact as possible. |
Social entrepreneurship: what is it and who is it for? Discussion with Radio Moldova Youth
Our colleague from the Social Entrepreneurship department, Laurențiun Racu - the general secretary of the Platform for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship - participated in the discussion. |
Information materials branded Social Entrepreneurs HUB
Did you know that if you employ unemployed people in your business who need additional support on the labour market, you can benefit from a monthly subsidy of about 80% of the employee's salary? The important thing is that the amount does not exceed 50% of the average monthly salary in the economy (in 2023 it was about 12 thousand lei).
At the same time, registered unemployed persons can receive financial and non-financial support for starting a business. The subsidy for unemployed people who want to start their own business is aimed at partially compensating the costs (of registering the business; purchasing equipment, machinery, etc.).
Discover useful news and information on social entrepreneurship in posts one and two. |
There were more materials promoted in March in the area of waste management, climate change adaptation and social entrepreneurship... Unfortunately all those materials are only available in Romanian (the main language spoken in the Republic of Moldova), that's why they are not included in the English version of the newsletter. However, if you want to have a look at them, see the button below. |