Vernal Pools Project
Through a multi-faceted partnership, Kings Gap is one of the newest sites as part of exciting research on the effects of climate change on the cycles of seasonal vernal pools.
In the Vernal Pool Phenology and Crowd Hydrology Projects, participants (volunteers as well as public visitors) monitor the life cycles of amphibians and trees, as well as the water levels at small, forested ponds across time to identify potential shifts and emerging disconnection in the timing of important life history events.
Thank you to the Western PA Conservancy, Penn State Mater Watershed Steward Volunteers, Ecological Research as Education Network, Growing Greener, The Giant Company, PA Parks and Forests Foundation, Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful, PA Natural Heritage Program, and the students of Diakon for helping us to get this project off the ground!
This project has been a great opportunity to engage our volunteers, and will have a significant impact on our educational programming with school-age students and community science. These stations will help us gain important data and provide a launch point for hands-on, inquiry based learning with our school groups!