Project News
Avenue Update Work on IRCC's new national learning management system has continued during the Covid-19 pandemic, but it has slowed due to the surge in demand for teachers using EduLINC and LearnIT2teach. A couple of pilots have recently started and if those go well, we expect to launch in early autumn 2020. More information about the migration of EduLINC to Avenue will be shared in the June newsletter and in direct communication to EduLINC teachers.
New Part 1 Learning Technology Leadership Group Begins June 15 If you are a professional in an IRCC program looking to lead innovation in a LINC or ELT program, we have two-part Moodle-based online training to offer. Each part has six weekly units and the time demand is 1.5 – 2 hours per unit. The course content includes readings, podcasts and videos, and course activities encourage sharing and collaboration with peers in the sector.
Mentor-led Webinars LearnIT2teach mentors have been offering two webinars per week since April, starting with a focus on using EduLINC's virtual classroom, BigBlueButton. This webinar series continued through May with a focus on teachers in Stage 2 of theLearnIT2teach training. The webinars will continue in June with a focus on Stage 3. Upcoming sessions will include using Moodle's Quiz and Assignment modules for assessment purposes. Webinars are recorded and can be viewed on the project YouTube channel. Information and links to the registration forms for upcoming webinars can be found on the project portal front page and in the EduLINC Teacher-only Forum.
Web News
The Rise Of Online Learning ... while the virus is showing that few things about the future are certain, here are some of our educated guesses about how we expect it to shape learning in the nears to come. ...Since the COVID-19 outbreak, online learning has become more centric in people's lives. ...
How Will Covid-19 Affect the Future of Online Education? The emergence of the novel coronavirus has initiated an abrupt shift around the globe toward online education. ... While the negatives are making many long for the days of traditional education, the reality is that, even before the pandemic, education was heading online. Covid–19 has expedited the inevitable, ... while the virus is showing that few things about the future are certain, here are some of our educated guesses about how we expect it to shape learning in the nears to come. ...
Coronavirus online classes: ESL students struggle with schools closed In normal times, teacher Ariana Tabaku helps her students learn English with structured curriculum, face-to-face encouragement and high fives. None of that is possible during the coronavirus outbreak. So she became a professional fundraiser. An IT specialist. A video producer. And that's what it took just to get her students — all of whom speak a different language at home — logged in. ...
More colleges accept Duolingo English Test scores as evidence of proficiency ... The closure of academic testing centers due to the coronavirus pandemic has been a boon for the Duolingo English Test, a computer-adaptive language proficiency test that can be taken at home in 25 to 35 minutes and that is increasingly used by colleges to determine whether to admit international students. ...
How 5G will help make classrooms smarter Canada’s education system needs a transformation, and experts say 5G technology – with its increased speed and reliability – could help make it happen more quickly. ... 5G will help power transformative technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) that are changing our economy, including how we learn. ...
Not Everyone Hates Remote Learning. For These Students, It’s a Blessing ... For the vast majority of students, remote learning is a poor substitute for being in the classroom. Not everyone has a laptop or reliable internet at home, and the socialization that happens in school can’t be replicated online. There is widespread concern that many students, especially the most vulnerable, will fall behind. But one unexpected silver lining of the shutdown has been an improved learning experience for certain students ...
Moodle Reaches 200 Million Users — Moodle 3.9, 4.0 Readying For The Next 200 It is to date the largest experiment in online learning in history. The Moodle project, launched over 20 years ago as a “prototype of a new web course development that uses constructionist referents to model engagement of the participants with course content and each other” is now the LMS of choice for 200 million users worldwide ...
Why Convert Classroom ESL To eLearning? The ongoing COVID-19 crisis has compelled many ESL training providers, who previously delivered in-class learning, to rethink their delivery approaches. Learn-from-home is likely to be around for some time to come. If you are one of those trainers that haven’t already done so, now might be a good time to consider moving your classroom ESL training to eLearning format. ...
Technology in Education – Why Is It Important? The society we live in is infused with technology. The society our students will live in in the future will be even more infused with technology, in ways we cannot even predict. Technology is here to stay. Proactively teaching students how to navigate the digital world, as well as how to use numerous technologies to solve complex problems, must be a part of how we educate the next generation. ...
How eLearning Has Improved Education During The COVID-19 Pandemic ... The pandemic has forced schools in the USA and around the world to move their classrooms online. ... This has resulted in the largest online movement in the history of education, whether it is a video conferencing tool, eLearning apps, virtual tutoring, or online learning software, there has been significant growth in usage since COVID-19. ...
Student-Centered Remote Teaching: Lessons Learned from Online Education ... Providing access to content is a great first step, but access on its own does not make for a quality learning experience. Engaging students is essential for promoting a deep understanding of course content. But how can we engage students in remote learning environments? ...
4 Basic Language Skills to Cover in an Online Course Language learning is comprised of four foundational skills. Here’s how you can teach them in your course. ... If you’re trying to offer a complete language package, you’ll need to cover all four of these skills to guide your learners to complete mastery. Here are some ideas for how to accomplish this over the Internet. ...
How To Make Online Learning More Engaging During The Coronavirus Lockdown Amid the global coronavirus lockdown and social distancing, we are moving to online learning. But there can be a sense of isolation felt by students. It is also a new experience for many teachers and students. These problems can be solved by engaging online students by making learning interactive. ....
Professional Development
LearnIT2teach Annotated Bibliography New Resource: Making the Case for Blended Learning in LINC: A Demonstration Research Project This project examines the effects of a blended approach on language learning in a LINC program, looking at self-efficacy and knowledge for using technology and describing the effective practices that were demonstrated. A summary of benefits is provided as well as questions raised.
10 strategies for online learning during a coronavirus outbreak As the COVID-19 coronavirus continues to spread, schools around the globe are shifting to online learning in an effort to slow the spread of the disease. Members of ISTE’s professional learning networks have been hard at work identifying key practices for successful online learning. Here are some of the best ideas from educators from around the world, many of whom have already been teaching during coronavirus closures. ...
6 tips for moving your teaching online - How do you adapt your teaching techniques for the virtual classroom? ... If you are thinking of becoming an online teacher check out this article and see what’s involved in adapting yourself and your teaching techniques to online teaching. ....
e-Resource Corner
Online Picture Dictionary This online picture dictionary is free to use for educational, noncommercial purposes.
English picture dictionary These pages were created for all language learners who want to improve their knowledge of English and other foreign languages. The community creating this website steadily collects and creates content that is useful for all English language learners. ... Our objective is to create a website containing as much useful information about English as possible. ...