78yo ♂︎ BMI 25kg/m2
Congestive heart failure, NYHA III, multiple hospitalizations for IV diuretics
Pacemaker implantation in 2000, recent endocarditis complications with system removal, temporary epicardial system and reimplantation
ECHO Severe tricuspid regurgitation, ERO 65mm2, pacemaker wire without interference. RV dilated with impaired contractility, LVEF 40%, dilated LV with akinesis basal inferior and mid/apical septal, significant functional mitral regurgitation, sPAP 65mmHg
History of CABG (2004) with 2 grafts
Coronary angio: patent grafts (LIMAàLAD, fRIMA to OM)
PAD (bilateral carotid stents), chronic AF
BNP 696pg/dl, Serum Creatinine 1.8mg/dl, Hb 12g/dl