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AFS 國際文化交流 2019年11-12月通訊
AFS Hong Kong Newsletter (Nov - Dec 2019)

最新動向 / NEWS

新增多區一年交流計劃講座! / New Year Exchange Program District Talks!

2020-21 一年交流計劃現正接受報名! 為了讓更多朋友了解計劃詳情,除了在AFS辦事處舉辦的座談會外,我們更新增了不同地區的講座! 邀請你身邊的親友參加吧!

2020-21 Year Exchange Program is now accepting applications! Apart from the info seminars we host at AFS office, we just added many district talks! Invite your family and friends to join now and know more about our programs!

參加講座 / Join a Seminar

全球舊生調查結果出爐! / Global Alumni Survey Result is Released!

為了解交流計劃的成效,AFS International於2018年底開始全球舊生調查,共有約10,500名來自不同國家的舊生參與。現在就來看看圖中的主要調查結果,或下載完整報告吧!

To understand the impact of our exchange programs, AFS International started a global alumni survey at the end of 2018, with about 10,500 returnees from different countries participated. Let's check out the key survey results on the picture, or download the full report now!

參加AFS義工日! / Sign Up for AFS Volunteer Day! 

今年的AFS 義工日將於11月30日在沙田突破青年村舉行,上午部分將由專業導師帶領下進行一系列的桌上遊戲,下午則主要為分享環節及頒發年度義工大獎,現在就登記參加吧! 

Volunteer Day 2019 will be held on 30 November in Sha Tin Breakthrough Village. The program would be divided into two sections: groups of board game activities, leading by professional board game instructors. Second part of the event would be group sharing and presentation of Volunteer Award 2019.

下載報名 / Download the Report
參加義工日 / Join the Volunteer Day

需要短期接待家庭! / Short-term Host Families are Needed!

我們不時需要為在港交流生安排短期接待家庭,尤其是在聖誕、新年、復活節等長假期期間。所以,如果你希望了解其他國家的文化,立即致電2802 0383與我們聯絡吧!

如果你想了解整個接待家庭計劃的詳情,亦可以報名參加 11月15日(五) / 12月 13日 (五) / 1月 17日 (五) 晚上舉辦的座談會,到時甚至可能有接待家庭、交流生現身說法!

We sometimes need to arrange short-term host families for our exchange students in Hong Kong, especially during long holiday like Christmas, Chinese New Year and Easter. So if you are interested in the culture of other countries, contact us by calling 2802 0383 now!

If you are interesting in knowing more about our host family program, register for our seminar on 15 November (Fri) / 13 December (Fri) / 17 January (Fri) nights. Our host families or students may show up to share their experiences!

參加講座 / Join a Seminar


過去兩個月,我們的意大利、德國、芬蘭、日本交流生分別於明報及星島日報校園版上分享他們的交流經歷! 一年交流不止為他們帶來很多美好回憶、文化體驗,更改變了他們的個性、待人處事的態度和能力,現在就點撃以下連結了解他們的故事吧!

In the past 2 months, our Italy, Germany, Finland, Japan returnees shared their exchange experience on newspaper Ming Pao and Sing Tao. Their exchange year not just brought them many great memories, cultural experiences, but even changed their personalities, how they communicate and handle problems, click on the below links now to read their stories! (Chinese only)

成為交流生 / Become an Exchange Student


TVB明珠台的《明珠雜誌》電視節目訪問了我們今年的德國交流生 Arno 及瑞士交流生 Carmen,還有他們的接待家庭及學校。想知道他們在香港生活、讀書面對什麼文化衝擊? 當接待家庭、學校又有什麼困難及得著? 一起來看節目吧!

TVB Pearl 's TV show 'Pearl Magazine' interviewed our Germany and Switzerland exchange students Arno and Carmen, also their host families and schools. Wish to know what cultural shock they have when living and studying in Hong Kong? Also the difficulties and benefits of being a host family or school? Let's watch the show now!

成為接待家庭 / Become a Host Family



In the last weekend, AFS volunteers have gathered to produce a short video of introduction about the nominees of AFS Volunteer Recognition Award 2019. The award, which aims to promote and encourage the contributions of the volunteers, will be presented in the Volunteer Day on 30th November.

The production crew is formed by AFS volunteers who are also the returnees from the AFS exchange programs. Grace, a yoga instructor and experienced video director, has coperated with Felix, who are sitting for his DSE exam next year, coming out with various creative ideas with their serious and positive attitudes devoted in the production, hoping to bring out the specialities of the nominees through the the videos presented!

成為義工 / Become a Volunteer


AFS師友計劃首次聚會 / AFS Mentorship Program Launch Gathering

為幫助回港後舊生的發展,我們今年繼續舉辦AFS師友計劃,讓在不同年份出發的舊生能互相認識、幫助! 2019-20年度計劃共有50名舊生參與,很高興看到他們在9月初舉辦的首次聚會上認識更多AFSers! 感謝協助計劃運作的義工Andy, Natalie, Swing!

To assist the development of our returnees, we continued the AFS Mentorship Program this year, which helps different generations of alumni to meet and help each other! There are 50 participants in 2019-20 program, happy to see them meeting each other on the launch gathering in early September. Big thanks to Andy, Natalie and Swing who help us to run the program!

義工、職員參與跨文化學習訓練 / Volunteers and Staff Participated in Intercultural Learning Training

AFS交流計劃的目的之一是幫助參加者增加對不同文化的理解和認識,我們的義工當然也要有相關知識! 10月底2位義工Joyce及Sean與職員Noelle一起參與了在馬來西亞舉辦的訓練,他們更與義工Kam一起在香港舉辦了為本地義工而設的工作坊!

One of the goals of AFS exchange programs is to raise participants' understanding on different cultures, so of course our volunteers need to be equipped with such knowledge. At the end of October our volunteers Joyce and Sean participated in a training in Malaysia with our staff Noelle. They also organized a local training workshop with volunteer Kam!

接待交流生活動 / Host Student Activities

接待交流生抵港已經兩個月了! 過去這段時間,他們參與了不同活動,包括抵港後導向會、第六屆香港歐洲語言日、出海及健行。感謝所有協助籌辦交流生活動的AFS義工,讓他們能夠了解香港不同面貌!

It has been 2 months since our host students arrived in Hong Kong! In this period of time, they participated in different activities like the Post-Arrival Orientation, The 6th European Day of Languages in Hong Kong, boat trip and hiking. Thank you all volunteers who helped organizing there hosting activities, which showed different sides of Hong Kong to our host students!

不想再錯過精彩的AFS活動? 請留意我們的社交網站!
Follow us on social media so that you won't miss the next awesome AFS activity!

AFS Hong Kong

8/F, Shun Feng International Centre, 182 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Hong Kong
