The story says it was done to accommodate the feelings of non-Christian children, and Muslims are the largest group of non-Christians around. Agna isn’t filled with Buddhists. “Italian primary school / Christmas party: ‘Jesus’ is exchanged for ‘cuckoo,'” translated from “Italienische Grundschule / Weihnachtsfeier: „Jesus“ wird mit „Kuckuck“ ausgetauscht,” Unser Tirol, December 23, 2023 (thanks […]
Linda Tigani is the latest bureaucrat to be rising high in the diversity-equity-inclusion racket (NYC Division). She was recently appointed by New York Mayor Eric Adams to direct the city’s Commission on Racial Equity. When it comes to Jews her presumed commitment to “diversity-equity-inclusion” seems to evanesce. She has quite a history, caught on videos […]
Totalitarians will brook no dissent, or even any attention paid to anything other than their own obsessions. “Bolzano: Activists disrupt Christmas service,” translated “Bozen: Aktivisten stören Weihnachtsgottesdienst,” Unser Tirol, December 25, 2023 (thanks to Medforth): On Christmas Day, Bishop Ivo Muser celebrated the Christmas service with believers in Bolzano Cathedral. Before the sermon, however, there […]
Russian-American journalist Masha Gessen does not think Gaza is an “open-air prison.” No, she insists it is something much worse: Gaza, she writes, is akin to a Jewish ghetto in the time of the Nazis, now in the process of being “liquidated.” Does this ring true to you? How is Gaza like a Jewish ghetto […]
This is Christmas. This is Christmas under the shadow of Islam. Pakistan? Iraq? Turkey? Might as well be, these days it’s Vienna. The police presence around St. Stephen’s Cathedral is all the greater on Christmas Eve. Heavily armed police with submachine guns watch over anyone who enters the Vienna landmark. Occasionally individuals are fished out. Eleven […]
“How many of y’all would come out on Christmas Day and ruin their Christmas?” “Joy is canceled,” read the signs wielded by Hamas supporters protesting a Christmas tree lighting at Columbia University. While a student group tried to sing, the terror backers shrieked, “there’s no room for celebration.” And no room for anything except terrorism […]
A glimpse into the future of Europe. “Two Christians Jailed under Blasphemy Law in Uganda,” Morning Star News, December 22, 2023: NAIROBI, Kenya (Morning Star News) – Two evangelists in eastern Uganda will spend Christmas in jail, charged under a blasphemy law after Muslims upset at their street preaching beat them and summoned police, sources said. On […]
This “open-air prison” sounds better all the time. This one had a “theater, grand hall, public library, printing press and cultural salon.” Meanwhile, the New York Times is publishing propaganda from a Hamas-appointed official. Would it publish a weeper from an ISIS chief? If he were attacking Israel, sure. “I Am Gaza City’s Mayor. Our […]
Masha Gessen is a Russian-American journalist. Gessen is also non-binary and trans, and insists on being referred to as they/their. They have been married and divorced twice and are now engaged, as of mid-December, to someone who is likely to be their third wife. Or husband. I’m not sure. They have been described — perhaps […]
Islamic law stipulates that “if Muslims are weak, a truce may be made for ten years if necessary, for the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) made a truce with the Quraysh for that long, as is related by Abu Dawud” (‘Umdat as-Salik, o9.16). Note that this can only be done if “Muslims […]
“Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) “Black Christmas In Plateau As Assailants Kill Over 70,” by Yemi Kosoko, Channels TV, December 25, 2023: No fewer than seventy six persons were […]
Bogus far-Left “fact-checkers” such as NewsGuard will never downgrade the Times no matter how many lies it tells. They’re just weapons of censorship designed to defame and discredit those who tell truths the Leftist elites would prefer remain concealed. “New York Times headline falsely claims Gaza war has most Arab deaths in 40 years,” Israel […]
New in PJ Media: Since the Oct. 7 Hamas jihad massacres in Israel, Muslim clerics in mosques all over the United States have prayed for the victory of the Muslims and the destruction of Israel. But in one mosque in Bayonne, New Jersey, a cleric went even farther than that. The Middle East Media Research […]
New in PJ Media: America has no established religion, which is undeniably true and a peculiar stroke of genius of the Founding Fathers in preventing the hegemony of one religious system over the others. Yet even without an established religion, the United States has always stood for certain values, notably for its own republican form […]
This new Glazov Gang episode features Leo Hohmann, a veteran investigative reporter and author whose book Stealth Invasion is now banned by Amazon. Order it at Visit Leo at Leo discusses Pope Francis’ Blessing of Same-Sex Couples, reflecting on: What exactly is the pope up to? Don’t miss it! [Order Jamie Glazov’s […]