AAMT e-news

for the Australian mathematics education community

22 May 2018

Two important reports

Two important reports have been released recently:

Both reports make recommendations that would see extensive changes in education generally, and in mathematics in particular.

Reminder: Financial Literacy Australia Grants

The 2018 round of the Financial Literacy Australia (FLA) grants program is now open, with $2million in funding available. 

For more information on eligibility, selection criteria and the application process, go to http://finlit.org.au/grants. Applications close 15 June.

ATSIMA conference

The Third Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mathematics Alliance conference will bring together a collaboration of leaders, educators and stakeholders from community, education, research, and business sectors around Australia.

The conference will be held 10–13 July 2018 at RMIT University in Melbourne.

For more information, go to https://atsimanational.ning.com/conf2018.

[featured resource] Check the Clues bundle

Paul Swan & David Dunstan

Based on Polya’s four step approach to problem solving, students work cooperatively in groups of four to solve mathematical problems, considering different written clues and then finding the correct solution through elimination.

Mix and match a selection of three titles to suit your students:

  • Check the Clues A (for pre-primary)
  • Check the Clues B (for Years 1 & 2)
  • Check the Clues C (for Years 3 &4)
  • Check the Clues D (for Years 5 & 6)
  • Check the Clues E (for secondary students)

#SWA661 $79.00 * AAMT members $63.20 *

Also available individually


AAMT webshop reduced items

As tax time looms closer, take advantage of the bargains in the AAMT webshop – some titles reduced by 50%!

Find more reduced titles at www.aamt.edu.au/Webshop/Reduced

Other news

The articles below were posted to AAMT's Facebook and LinkedIn pages and Twitter feed, and link to various sites:

From visual to verbal – there’s more than one way to understand maths

Setting Up Norms for Independent Work

This is why it’s so hard to help with your kid’s math homework

Maria Agnesi, the greatest female mathematician you’ve never heard of

We all have a maths brain — it’s just some need a reboot

8 ways to help students grow their grit

K12 students code beyond computers

'He Woo-ed us': Rockstar maths teacher makes magic in Canberra schools

Australian mathematician becomes Royal Society's youngest Fellow

Why DIY videos are easier than you think

Want to make sure your students really learn? Get a long-term plan

Building a Positive Staff Culture Takes Work

How to Plan and Implement Continuous Improvement In Schools

12 tricky math riddles only the smartest people can figure out

Figure out where you are with nothing but a watch and protractor

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GPO Box 1729 Adelaide SA 5001 | 08 8363 0288 | office@aamt.edu.au | www.aamt.edu.au