Our main news this week is something we are incredibly proud of - Ultimate Report on People Who Visited Every Country in the WorldThis in-depth study is full comprehensive data on all of our UN Masters.

What does it even mean to visit every country in the world? How many people completed this goal each year since Rauli Virtanen did it for the very first time in 1988?

Where are the UN Masters from? What are their ages, genders, and ethnicities? What country has the most UN Masters compared to its overall population? Finally, which countries do they choose as the final destination on this journey?

Find out answers to all these questions. Whether you're a seasoned globetrotter or just starting your journey, this report is a must-read. Enjoy.

New Series Alert:

Decorative Arts, Design, and Fashion Museums

Our latest Series is a treat for art and design lovers! We've curated a list of 231 must-visit Decorative Arts, Design, and Fashion Museums around the world. 

It's the perfect guide for culture vultures looking to add some artistic flair to their travels!


Constructed from museums previously in the Museum - Various Series, as well as a lot of new research, this Series is now part of our new category 'Museums' where we have decided to house all categories of Museum Series - from Art to Aviation and from War to Nature.

DARE to Explore Western Africa

Oualata in Hoch Ech Chargui province, Mauritania

For our adventurous souls, we've added new DARE places, all from the Western Africa megaregion. Check them out:

Last Call for the Poll!

Lastly, a gentle reminder: don't forget to cast your vote in our ongoing Poll on Visiting Every Country in the World. Over 1000 people took part in it.

Voting is open until this Friday, January 19!

Important Update on Tours

Before we sign off, an important update for those interested in travelling with us. Our tours to Algeria and the Aland Islands have received an overwhelming response, and they are now fully booked!

Registration for these tours is officially closed :-)

Stay tuned for more exciting tour opportunities in the future!


Ultimate Hub for Global Explorers

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