Map of McCull Manor and grounds.


Hi ,

Please excuse the silly pun. The spring rain is making my brain soggy!

My message to you is short this month as I'm working hard preparing the Feeding Frenzy sequel for publication. After struggling for years to make it perfect enough, (and getting distracting by life's difficulties and side projects) I'm returning to my roots.

Feeding Frenzy started as a Wattpad serial to help me overcome my reluctance to submit stories to editors. I drafted it and then revised it chapter-by-chapter on Wattpad. The weekly chapter system worked, and Feeding Frenzy surprised me by earning a Watty Award.

The sequel to Feeding Frenzy will be posted in weekly chapters. Deadlines motivate me and a promise to readers guarantees I will finish.

The first chapter goes up on Monday, with subsequent chapters dropping at a rate of 1-2 per week.

Early access starts on Ream (a serial fiction platform which pays authors), but I will post chapters to  Wattpad (for free) about a month later.

The ebook and paperback will come last once the novel is completely edited and formatted.

I would value your your feedback on my Ream page. No obligation to subscribe, of course. Does it look enticing?

I realize many readers prefer ebooks to serial fiction, but do check it out. (The cover reveal for Feeding Frenzy II is there.)

That's it for May. You can expect more publishing news in these monthly letters as I strive to write or edit (almost) every day. 

Happy reading,


Special Mention

I enjoyed reading Emory Keller's Murder at the Magical Bookshop. It's a lighthearted cozy mystery with magic and intriguing paranormal characters. The bookstore cat is a lively sidekick who puts a twist on the witch and cat trope. I won't spoil the surprise and tell you how. Here is the blurb:

Everyone inside! The winds are picking up and it’s do or die for Sophie.

When a shocking murder rocks her peaceful island community, adventure comes knocking on her door in a way she never expected.

Book Fairs

There are a few more than usual this month. What spring bounty! 

The mysteries are followed by more paranormal adventures.

Do you know a reader who might like this newsletter? Please pass it on. 

The easiest way to help a writer is to spread the word. 

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