It’s time to start lifting the lid on your procrastination and start to explore what we can do to BUST IT!
We are now in the exploratory phase. And we can start to tip toe towards the action phase. So keep looking out for those glimmers of breakthroughs and inspired action!
Today I go through 6 key recaps of week one and introduce you to the basic 10 step Procrastination Busting Formula!
We will be going through more in depth coaching exercises later this week and in week three. But for today, we’re just considering this simple formula to help you start switching your mindset to the solutions to your procrastination problems!
CLICK HERE for your 12 minute audio.
And over the next 5 days, we’ll be breaking down the different kinds of procrastination habits in more detail and looking at the potential causes of these AND solutions, to start giving you lots of ideas that might help you in your own journey.
Hope you enjoy the final call this week today - and see you tomorrow for exploring “Priority”, “I can do it all”, and “Positive” procrastinations.
Janey x